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/: ' <br />L. <br />affectede He sho�ed a movie pradueed by the Joint Frpgram, ,an �nter Ager�cy <br />Land Use-Transportatzon Prograr� For �he �w�,ri Citie s Metropo�.itan '' <br />Area. H�:;men�ioned his' nwn position with �he Metrapolit�n ��.anning Commis=- <br />sion as a'#'u��: �ime employee. Tlie genera� mee�ing was prece�ded by a short <br />: mee�ing af the Board- of Dzrec�ors. _ ; , . <br />The new off�.cers of the Arden Association for �967-b8 have appa�.nted the <br />fallo�ing Board af Directors f'or the caming yea�: <br />l. Larry McGot�gh, Cha irzn,an 166b Lake Jvhanna B�.vd. 633-b58t� <br />2. Dr.; Mi�.tan Ga.�chri st �802 Gramsie Road b33-�Z4� <br />3. Trude Harm.on 1b61 W. �ounty Road F. b33-��I-3 <br />�.. S'ally Woadburn 1220 �ngerson Court b33-�38� <br />�e Ro�er.Moberg 1315 Tz�.ler Lane 63,3-564? <br />` b. J�rie Lund 1689 �r�r. Coun�y Road F. b33-3�97 <br />'�. Barb' Schroed� i�5o Skiles �,ar�e b33-1858 <br />$. Gene Ya�es �838 Beckman b3�-7l-{-86 <br />9; Pat Reioux 3209 Shorewaod Drive 633-3�90 <br />10. Sab Bjorndahl 3].83 Lexingtan �.84-�59�9 <br />i7.. Bob NicRann �308 Cannon 633-8977 <br />12. Jane t Hallenho� �t 1822 Venus 633-�-��� <br />3:3- D�'o John Slackmore �68U L�ke Johanna Blvd. b33-7477 <br />1�. �Ken Lukaska 3125 Asbury b33-�:593 <br />1�.`Ted L�ndbom l�008 Fa�rview Ave. No, b33-26�0 <br />1.b. :Tom Harty 3i.�20 Gl.enarden Road 633-1183 <br />l'�, Don Mo].enaar 1550 Highway 96 633-�359 <br />18. Jim Gsske 1.886 Glen Paul Avea 633-�49d <br />.7.9: S�i.aro� Seversar� 3�.l..�b Shoreline Lane �.8�.�.--9672 <br />20. Mar� E�i.en McFa�land 325t� Sanaeen Road b33-11'79 <br />Hostess for the year, to take over �he good jab done by Wy"�Bartsch, is <br />Nrso John Blackmare, �.68o Lake Johanna Blvd.r �33-747�- <br />VILLAGE NEWS BRZEFS <br />MULTT�FAMILY HOUSING DEVEL�Pi�ENT AT THE�NORTHEAST CQRNER OF NEW BR�GHTON <br />ROAD AND COUl�iTY ROAD E. This apartr�ent complex af 3 uni�s was f�.rst <br />b�ought �o the a�tention oi our P�anning Cammission on ApriZ 1�. The Com- <br />m�ssian:�ecorr�mendad af a specia� use pex�n�t for this development <br />beca�use the p�ans did not confarm �o �he s�andards of the Comprehensi�re <br />De�re].opment has been adop'ted for our Vi11a�;e. At tha� time' <br />�he applieants reques-�ed -�he Counc::�1. to del�y action unti]. they wou�.d have <br />an opportuni�y to s�zbmit further plans tq �he �om�niss�.on. On June <br />6 revzsed plans #'ar this multip�a housing ca�p�.ex were presented to �he" <br />Plan.n�ng Comm�ss�on, and again th� Commission vo�ed �o no� recommend ap <br />-' prova�.' of ihe spacial use permit b�cause the qual.ity of �he s�ructures a.z�d <br />o:th�r items out�.ined in �he V�.l��.�� Housing Folic�es had not been accomp- <br />�.ished in ` �h�s proposalw <br />THE PLANS FOR THSS DEVELOPNiENT WERE PR�aEN`�ED AGAIN AT <br />THE JUNE` 12 COUN C� L MEET ING e AFTER THE PRESENTAT TQN <br />BY THE; PR4MaTC�RS, TI� C�UNC�L AS� D F0� A FU��'HER STU�Y <br />AND OPTNION BY- OUR V�LLAGE PLANNTNG CONSULTANT, MR. <br />CARL DALE:. <br />THE PLANNZNG,COMN�SS�ON WILL BE ASKED`BY THE UILLAGE <br />