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- 2' - <br />, Oak'Wil-t` Orcii,nance. '; The' Village .A�torney has beeri reques�ed` to furnish ` <br />a raugh ra �: of �he _Dak W��t 4rdinance patterned at'ter North Oakrs ordi-: <br />`nance.. The proposed o�k wilt procedure` for" our' vi�.�.age wa:]:l be as fol�.a�s: <br />;l. :A survey of' tha popu�.ated ar�as and v�lla�ga-owned prope�ty no�3ng any <br />Dutch: Elm :Disease as wel� as Oak Wilt. 2. Aiiect�ed trees will 'be marked <br />with yel�.ow pai�t, 3. Res�dents w�.�,l be iniormed by means ai' a; flyer <br />pri,or �o the survey and a pub�.�c mee�in� wi3�. be held after comp7.e��on o�'` <br />�he survey. �'he surveying w�.�.l b�: dor�e with �he assis�ance o�' the: Uri�ver- <br />sity ;of Nxnnesota, and wi3.�. be dur�ng �he latter part a�' Augus�. <br />Lake Jo�e hine D�aznag� Da.tch. The t�zb�.ie 1:�lorks Commi.ttee i� conjunction <br />with �he' Vil3.age Er�gineer has considered �wo proposals for so�,ving this ` <br />di�Gch pro,blem. Tr�stee Bob B jorndah3. w�.l� be meeting w��h the rEsidents <br />concerned in the near future, <br />Rub�aish Hau�.ers t License Renewals that have been approved by �h� Village <br />Counca:� are as fallows; Fridley Sanitation. Service, Zr�c.; Subur�an;Pick= <br /><Up Service; _. R�a.bbish Rern.oval, Znc. ; Ga1la�her Service, �t�c, and J ancl W <br />�'ick-Up Service. <br />THE TawN CRSER "SALUTES" <br />Hu�h McL�ad, san of Mr. 8c Tirs. I��h NicLeod, Sr. , 1��p Carl�Qn Drive, who <br />�t�.11 be` a sen�or a�t Mounds View Hi�,h School in the fa��., received tk�.,e oui- <br />st�riding hono� of being e�,ected Gove�nor of �he Atr�Erican L�gion-sponsared <br />Ninnesot� Boys S�at� held at Gusiavus Adol.phusCo],�.ege in St. Peter �he <br />end : of June. zs a7,,so a��eradir,.g the Annual. American �,egion B��s <br />Nat�on at �he University of Maryland �he end of �his man�Gh. He is one qf- <br />q8 se�ec�ed bays reprEserzting a total of 26,000 youths involved �.n the 4g; <br />Legiari participating s�ates. <br />Wendy Gilchrist, d.aught�r oi Dr. & P'�rs. Ntil.tora Gilchris�, ].802 Gramsie <br />Rc�ad; wha wil� a�so be a senior a-� �oundsVie�r High School in �he fal�:., <br />represer�ted �he High Schao�. a�t the A�erican Legion-sponsar�;d GZr�.� State <br />he �.d ;at' thc State Pair Graunds .�or one w�ek in June . During �he <br />.s-��dy and acti�Qn sessians, regarding a31 J.evels of State Gavernment, Wendy <br />was elected to �he office of State Senatara <br />COMING UP <br />Nonday July 31 Village Council �eeting 8:00 PN, Villag� Ha11 <br />Monday August 14 �il�agc� Council I�iee�ing 8:00 PM, V��la�e Hxll <br />Tue sday Augu st 1. Planning Comm�s s�on N�e et. 8: q0 PNi; V�ll.age Ha7�.� <br />Nionday Augus-� �?�. Schao3. Baard Meeting 7.00 PN, Mounds Vie�r 'H. <br />Schaol <br />REMENIBER - ARDEN ASS4GIATION DINNER�DANCE - TN TT�E FALL <br />i <br />