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� �" <br />UILLAGE`'NEWS BRTEFS <br />WA'�ER FQR THE TNDUSTRIAI;�-CON°NERCIAL AREA. A put��,ic hear�ng wil� be held <br />Aug,o 2�; 7�'30 :PN a� Lake `Johai�na E3�emerit�y Schoal to discuss �he plans and <br />f�ri��c�.zag �'or irii�ial va.�lage ``wa�er �.inprovement to provide wa�er for the an-; <br />da:s�r�.al-commercial `area o�' Az�c.en H��l� as we11 as car� '�ies : for fu�ure <br />expans�.a� �o the re st of th� v.�l�age, : <br />THE' OAK WxLT_ 4RD�NANCE stating i�he control and penai�ies ir�volved rece�ved ; <br />�.�'s- �h:ird and �ina�. reading a� the� Council meet�.ng and has' be�n adopted <br />�y au.� tTil�.<�gee R�s�dents are bei,ng notified by ma31Ed circula.r� as �a pro- <br />; ceaures to be fol�.owed by property owners. <br />;aT�`has been'brought �a th� atten�xon af the GounciZ tha� the private proper= <br />tJ laca'�ed a� the wes-t end a�' Ecl�ewater Aves g as we�,1 as � ax�ea adjacent to <br />Cqun�v Ra�d E--2 �s �ieing used fo:� dtampirig.�Resxdents were a�ked �o; reinnve <br />�c��.o ' de:�?ris . aradrpos� "Przva�� Proper�y, No Dutr�pin�„ s�.gns. The l�o�.i:ce Depar�- <br />znen� �atrol will fo�.1.o��r-•up, '�he �'u�i�ic Safe�y Commi�tee is also �.00kirig in- <br />to a cGmp1.��.nt th�� Pr�.o� Ave�f'x-om Cou.nt,y �oad D�o Jerrold Ave. is becomzng <br />' a spe�d tione � : <br />Thc ,P1.�nn�ng Commis�ian naw received a 1is� af F's�Candards" fc�r,'placement <br />'of° �i�e�s `on bou�e�ard.s, This arc� the Boulevarel Tree Q-�d�nance w�11. be d"zscus- .' <br />�ec� a���we1:L as th� 1is��ng af' �:rmitted �trees, prevzous�.y su.ggestec�-, a�' �he <br />: ne�� 'P� anning Comrniss�on meet� n� on Septerrfber 50 <br />Ef�'uc �� u� August �., l�ib`�, Nx o Ber� Schut�a resi�ned a� a membe� of the P�an- <br />' n�.rig Commi ss�.an, af ter serv� ng f'or 3� years. <br />T�h^ house lacated at 1b2� Lake �ohanna Blvdo has been recommended for conderri- <br />r�.�.-i;�:one This wi�].1 �� follo��aed up by �he Village At�orney. <br />TI� TOWN CR�ER 'tSALUTES" <br />' G�'O�GE HAN2ALIKe Due to a u�.�an.s�'e� by Archer-Daniels--N[idl.and to Decatur, Il�. <br />Ga.��g� has r�sigi�ed �'ro;n the School Board of �ounds V�ew Ind. D�.s�. 621. He <br />: has : se�t �d ora �he Scho��. Baard since Jul.y 19b1 and was Chairman for` two; texytrts. <br />Ml� Han�alik ha� been active 3.n PTA work, cub sca�ts, charter membe� and <br />: di��ec�oi� o� �he Arden Ass ocs and originatar Qf the �eaehers Scholarsh3.p <br />: Co��._n,�:�i�Ec sei��T��g th� Nio�a.nds View School Dis�rict. <br />COMTNG UP <br />Morida�;- August 28 Vi�.�_ag� Counci�. Meeting 8:DD PM V�.l�.age Hall <br />Tti�esd^� , Av.��,zs� 29 Pu�l� c Hea��ing -- Wa�er Stud.y 7:3Q PM Lake Johan�a <br />� Elementary School. <br />�ionday Sep-�o 1.1. iTillag� Counc�l Mee�ing 8:40 PM- Vil�.age Hal�.< <br />-�'fonday ' SEpt4 l�. Public Hea��zrag -� Lake Joseph�.ne <br />Di�ch T�provemen� 8:0� PM iTil.lage Ha3.�. ' <br />Tuesday Sept. 5 P�.anning �om�niss�.on Meetin� 8:Q0 PM Vi�.�.age Ha].1` . <br />Mondu�r Augus� 28 Schaal Board �eetzn� 7:00 PM Mo�a.ndsview HS <br />' Mon.da� . Sep-�, �l Schofll Board Meeting _ 7:00 PM Moundsview ;HS <br />�'RTDAY -: NO�TENiBER 3-.'�HE ARDEN. ASSOC�ATION ANNITA.L. :D.TNNER DANCE AT 'N�C GiTIRES: <br />:daf�ch : for further i�tfo�i��ta.on in. the �eptember �,ssue of your :"�flWN CR��R't <br />