;:.�, : ' No., ].7 Septemb�r 196�
<br />�
<br />�w� , THE TO�rIN CRZER
<br />�� Pub�.ished by The Arden As�oc�a-�ion, Snc.
<br />� � �V� M .. . . � . . � � . . � . . � ._ � � , . . .
<br />. � � �� t�F � . --' ..... � .
<br />:� Ei�hty resi ents attended �he pub��.c meet3.ng
<br />,� he�d at Lake Jahanna School �o discuss the
<br />�` propasal to supply �ater prima�i�.y tv tYie
<br />�' Arden Hi�.l.s cQmme�cial-indus�rzal distr'ict. :
<br />E-'� � , The mEeiing was required by 1.aw. The�e wi�::�`
<br />'���, � be a general prope��y levy to auerage abvu�
<br />I}. r�.a.�.].s, in ac�dition to assesstnen�s ta �he
<br />prope��y r�ceiv�.ng the water. Horn�-owners
<br />wi].1. pa�� abou� ��1� of �he cos� �'or �he area
<br />bu� any. general tax ne�ded if the enic:�.re v�.�.-
<br />�.age �a�er rece�.ves wa��r, wou�d be;-'over 54/
<br />�born by industrial prope�iy.
<br />� ,. •
<br />Spiri�ed que��ions w�re di�ectEd '�Go:��ber�
<br />: McNe�.sh, �he watEr study commi�tea �ha�:rman,
<br />�;;• - Ba�riis�er Engin�:ering, Pe�er �opova.�ch, 'the
<br />v�.�lage �'inanc�.al �.dvi ser and Vinee Cour�ney,
<br />the vi��a�e attorney, P�tayar Ne-�h�rcu� �hen
<br />;' asked far comme��s favorable to the pro ject. Nuch of the roorr�,- responded and
<br />ia�er, when oppos�,ng apinians were solici�ed, none were of.fered. In cont�ast
<br />�a'a. ,s�,m��.ar rrteet3ng Four y�ars aga, when there was genera� opposition �a a:;
<br />simi�.ar proposal., rr�arty res�dents urged all speed in developing �he 3,.5 plus
<br />rni3.l.ion dol�.ar general vill.age wa�er plan.
<br />The Counci� subsequent�y unanirr3ously approved the industria�. taate� plan an,d,
<br />many peop�E f�l�, look�d p�:eased that the vi1.l.age as a whole now appears tv
<br />want "ciiy.Water". However, s,�nce this hearing, many residents, who were
<br />opposed �o �'eity water'! fnr the enti�e v�liage �our years ago and who are
<br />stzll opposed to a cha�gE-aver ta "city water", have sta-�ed �hey did not
<br />fEe�. the n�ed to attend this heari�g as they were not oppnsed �o water for
<br />the industrial-commercia�, areas o.� �he village, At the public hearing, P�ayor
<br />Ne�hereu� promised �ha� if the who].e village is su�plied wi�h wa�er there
<br />'�ril1. be rio manda�ory hflok-ups. The rraaa.ns w�.�.l in mast ins�an�es be r�.n .to
<br />�he side of �he s�reats. Fa,re hydrants wil.l be par� of the genera�. sys,tem:' '
<br />. if and '.when i� is hooked up.,
<br />� At �he regu�.ar C�uncil. meet�,ng of September 1.1, Arder� Hills �es�den�s pre-
<br />'~" sen�ed two petitivns to �h� Counci� asking tha vi�.�,age to furnish wc�.ter to
<br />.�heir areas as q�ick�y as pass���.e. These petitions carr�e frotrf G�.en Pau1:
<br />Avenue on the wes� si.de o�' Lake �'ohanna, and from the home-awner� on Edge-
<br />wa�er, `Jerrol.d, S�ow� and T3�w Bri�h�on ��aad. The Cour�cil: ordered a f�asi-
<br />bi�:i�y `study for �he popt��a�Ed areas of the vi1,�.age by �he engineer as �rae13.
<br />as a de�ailed study af the par�icular areas from where �he p��it3.ons were
<br />reeeiv�d.
<br />"' ",�rden Hi�ls '�3 ( the sou�herr� end of Lake Johanna) has` already� had a feasibil-
<br />�.ty repar�: prepared ;(pe� a peti��on r�qu.est by �he' residents some �xrr�e ;bac,k�
<br />;
<br />arid b�.ds are no�i being 3.et �'or this; pro jec�t. , A publ3.c hearing has been' se�;`
<br />