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� <br />-2- <br />The. s ec�.a1 use erma.t for William Weg�.ei�ne� �o �onstrcact a' co�bina��.on <br />, <br />sk�.-qo�.£ 5hop `and �r�.vat� residence ta be loca�ed on the south side c�f' <br />County >�toad E, ad� acen� to th� �:as� en� o� Hark�.ns Driving T�es has been <br />approved by both o�r planr�ing Comm�.ssian and Village Cvuncil; sub,}ec� to <br />the following conditc�.ons o <br />1, should this prap�r�y be �old, a renevaal. of th�.� sp�cial <br />us� permi� mc�st be ob�ained. <br />2. subject ta the �ng�ineers approval of �atilit�.es and drasn- <br />zge p],ans e <br />3, sc�bject to the �nc�ineers vari�ica�ion that bui3.ding5 a�e <br />located wi.thin �che setback requi�emen�s v <br />Ur�sicthtiv ar��.s. Property owners with j�ank cars and unsight�.y debr�s <br />are bea:nq �pprehended by th� Police Depar�men�t. There is continued <br />fo�.lowap by th� Po�.ice �epartment of condi�ions a� �he Texaco Stati.on <br />a�;313� Clevelznd Ave. <br />Postinq of Roads. Al1 vi}.�.age ro�ds are now posted with load �imit �igns.> <br />Rarnse Count Park Plans at Coun� Raad � and Lexin ton to Lake Jose hine.- <br />Th� purc�a�e o� th� proper�y along County Ftoad D adjacent to �he present <br />Ramsey` Caunty park site has been au�hor�.�ed by the Coun�y so �ha� -z�t n��y <br />, b�'incorpor�ted in�a �he present park area. <br />A relim�n?r �-� osal b Ce G. Rein ai� a Tawn Ho�rse and A ar�ment , <br />D�velo r�ent on a ortian of the ro ert owriec� b Rea.n in the G�.eveland <br />:Av�nue a�d Coun� Road D area of the Vi�.la e was pres�nted a� th�`Mar�h <br />5 Pl�nning Comzn�.ssion M�eting. As �.t �tands at �h� moment, the P�.anning <br />Co��nission has r�quested Mr. Rein to submat reasons �why �he sa.te is no� <br />5uitable:for singl�-family re�idences from a cammuni�y poin� o� view. ` <br />The Hou�.ev�rd Tr�� Ordinance had its �inal readaing at the March 1�.�.h <br />coe��cz� me�ting. Th� cornplete ord�.nance will b� pub].a.shed �oon �.n the <br />New .Brigh�on Bu�.l�tin, iche oiticia3 paper of �he Vi].l.age. <br />Zoninct a.nd Subdivision Ordinanees F fo� o►�� Vi1�.age are now back �rom �the <br />:printers �:�d avai�.able for purchase a� $�.. 50 each. Jus� a Zoning ` M�.p <br />{which' a.s inc�uded in the zoning and ordinance booklet) aLs availab�.� to <br />the pub�.�:c £ree of charg�. Pl�ase con�i:ac� the Vi1.3age Hal�. if you de�ire <br />a'�opy. , <br />A-fe�.sib3:lity repor� has been requested �i�o be done by the Vi�.lag� <br />Engineer) �o �u�nish �he L�bra�y Board with an answer as to wh�ther or <br />not vi��e wat�� would be available �or �hem at their ne�++t library si�E <br />on E-2`and�New Brighton Road. <br />A peti�ion for water for ���lton Drive has been received. �iater r�q�aests <br />ar'e �o ]ae' done an an. ar�a �a�is ana co�ld not �asually be done �or j us�, <br />one street. A petition` for a].arge�' area wa�tld be �,ecessary'�.n �h�.s ca�e. <br />