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Town Crier No.26
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1968
Town Crier No.26
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� <br />� � r <br />.- <br />4. Hixcttarz Righta Qrdinance establishing a Htiman Ri hts Gor�nission has r�ow beezl adoptzd. <br />-_ Nlonthly meatir�gs wi11 be hald. �fexnbers serving on th� cor�ission are: <br />�-yr, term..- David Irwin, 1?fl0 Ingarson �oac� Chairman <br />_ ��qrs. Robsr� i:'eterson, 13�12 Car�t,on Dr. <br />2-yr. term -�.�rs. :-larren .�iiohael, i�5�+ Skiles Lane <br />�.+zl.liam Benzick, �337 ,�ohanna Blvd. <br />1-yr. �iex:n - Dick Jones, 186� ul�np€�ul <br />:v�rs. Bert 1�oolfrey, I81J. V�:nus <br />5, Apprava� ;�ras Qranted to finarncially aupport '�he �';rden Hil�.s boys participa'�ing in . <br />Lit'tle L�a�u� by danating �5•00 per boy. <br />6. .�;rden Hi11s tirill parf,icipate �;�1�0 to 51��'�RC ( aum�er �rogra�n �'ar r�tarded children} <br />pendin� ok on in�urance cavera�e �'or th� Village. <br />7. S�Ja�ar Pragram k'robrass to �ate - <br />ifater Z� rovu�n�nt 67_� {nor�h af Lake Jos��hin� including thL In,�fustrial i'ark} an <br />�'inal cl�an-up, Grading a�zd sadding by' contractor shou�.d b� campl,eted by now. <br />!�Jat�r Improvam�nt 68--1 (nort,h af Caunty �o�d � ar�d �,ake �TohannG Bivd. to th� Soa <br />Lin� Tracks und�rvray. <br />'�Ja��r Irnprover��z�t 68-? 4�hor�woo$-Valen�in� �rea und so►�th on �d��r�on Road �,o <br />� oa u as had a�ubla.c he�ring on Juna � Vo d�finita asti�n <br />pend3ng tha auicoma of a requ�st f'or Federa� .'.id from HUD (Hous�.ng �.nd Urb�n <br />: �evelopment}. <br />�i�ter I�pravement 68-3 (er�st sid� o�' L�3�a Johanna) held their h�.arin� on i�Iay 23 <br />Wi u rov� ¢r�nt�d for en3ina�r tp <br />Pk� Q n prepar� plane and sp:;cs, but council <br />�pprovai of thu pro�ec-t w�s b�ing h�ld �n abey�nce p�nding applicution for <br />passibla feder�l aid. <br />8. n i}.ls S artsme� Club �as be�n grantzd a egecial permit� �o cons�ruc#, an archary <br />r�;e on the�r prop�rty. <br />9, r1s of June 1968, Ragar �eilin� is �.'r�aidant of _:rda:� ?�il].s J.C;.'s, takin� over fram <br />�he past preeident, Bill 3�nzick. <br />�.0. Prela.minc�ry i�lat of V�..lentine La;te Vi�.w subm��t�„d by Jumes �}ohnson, approv�d subj4ct <br />ta buzl.ding on cer�ain 1o�s orr�y until municipal san�.tary ��w�r �s av�ilab}.e. <br />1�, `Building p�rmii, for La.v-�l-Snaps., �nc. approv�d. <br />1?_. 3.'.F�TY 't'�"4�:iUT�0=3S: ��siden'cs �r� bui��� r��minc�Ud to lock cars, bo�.is, mo�ors �nd <br />garages �o dieco�zr��;� vand�liem. If' ras�.denta �..r� pla.�nin ; 2 vaca'tion, �hay ure <br />requzst�d to con�act th;,� polace d�partment. <br />1�• Texaco Station r��G Cluvei�nd and Couniy �oad D, Tt is naw a zzon-conforming use and the <br />ownar aF t'n� stat�.on is baing na�if'a.�d th�t �hu op::rwtion o�' his gtatian axce�ds th� <br />per��d use �'ar a servic� st�:_tion xn ���a Vi��ag� o�' .�rda�� Hi�.ls (s�rviezng o#' l�.r�e. <br />• aemi--ty�u trucks is r,ot a�los:ad und�r otz� ordina�.����. l:ttari��y is fallowin�. <br />3.�:, LicQns�d approv�d rubbish haui�rs for tlzu tril�.��;�: � <br />auburb�. r.ick-up ��rv�.c� _ <br />�al].agh�rs S�rvica, Inc. 78�+-�t7Q9 <br />� :�. ';l. �dixon Rubbiah 5 �i b <br />33- 7 7 <br />J and z�l �'ick--uP 763�. Lak� �r. Ckrcle i'i���s <br />..11-St.��,a. �, �nc, ��J� �ra:�d r���. ao.. � <br />� <br />� <br />. . . . . . . . ' . � ,l <br />' . . . . . - . ' . � . . . . ' ' .. ' . . . . . •.\ <br />
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