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Page - j - <br />��, was furthur stated by tha peop].e presen��n� this ��lan that C��unt.y Road E would <br />`�:3: enentually (�,ri�hin tha nEx#, ysar) l�� conv;,r�,sd a.nto �+ 3.anes, �rith a stopli�;ht �t the <br />�` � i.n�.ersec�ion of L�xington and Cvu'n.ty Road ��. <br />C. s. ��Ir�T P�OPDSAI�: As raported in 1as�. month's Crier, the commission reco�anded <br />denial oi the sp�oial us� permit requested b;� �ein to conatruci a mu1�t�.--f amil d�vzlc <br />ment o�1 thL laad that abuts thE aast side of Cleveland r�.nd is north o�' ��len aul. iti�ir. <br />Rein s�ated to Council his int,ent to resub�it a chan�s oP site plans �o �ha F�Xa�.'�nin� <br />Camtaissio�n. 1ha co�n�,issipn wi�l de�,4x�zne if' th�re is suf'i'icient cYtange to warrant <br />�nothzr gubla,c hzaring. <br />S!�:IT�a�i' �;�i� ;R ;i�a�a�:��L?��T i'UB�,�� �?'.�.'_RI�Si�: '�l�i� hearing was h�ld an Oci�obUr 28. Lngin�- <br />��r �,und daserib�d tha araas af t'n4 �'aur s�parat� �aro�j�c'�s ��Zcluded in this aseeesmu;�t <br />�'ar a to�a�. ass����::d .anount �f:;�3;691;�0�h� cost of t�:e projec�._was ��,p�.7.�2. The <br />purpose of th� 'neari�zg was to anaw�r Cli.l28'�1p139 rzga.rdin� tY�� AS9�aSf178T1't8. �'h�re �rure <br />na co�m�nts f'rom the Ploor a��d Clerk Stromquist stated th4�t no lutt,�rs �vsre receiv�d <br />with regard �o tha.s matter. T}�a heuring wa� elbs�d a.nd �ouncilmatz Crapeut� maved the <br />cour�ci�. ap�rov� the assess�nan� ro�.l. ;.io�.ion carried. <br />LI�;UC�'� I�IC�:�iS� t�I;A�i�;F�R: Council has a�prov�d ��a transf ar o�' liquflr �ic��zses for <br />:�c�uira's Sup��r C�ub fro:� '�ruck Cran� Servace �o�pa��y to :ficuuire'a Ir�c. <br />EL�:��i��ik.,R� �GN�OL Qr�T :�-2: �he scnool board has airard4d the contract for oeneral aon- <br />struc�ion to P. F, �roh�r f'ar his 1o��r hid o�' �:h09,�00. <br />1.'s���� �'.��D ��CR��iTIG�;: To iz�prov� the two hockey ri,nks at :�Soundaview �?igh Schoo�., th�r� <br />,,;; --� �ril.�. b� additional libhting and. a warrai_ig hous� is now und�r cons�ruction. tlalentin� <br />"� ¢ Park rinl� �ril� ba gr�ded and f�.00d�d f'or Free ei�.ting. � <br />i��.�erial has �a�en rAceived from HUD with r� ard to Fad�ral. �r�zzz�s for arlcs. l.n ex- <br />�,ansive study is bea�lg �a,vc;n this by the i�'arks und �tzcr�ation Commit�t;,e b�f'orG any <br />application �rii�. ba submitted. <br />�i�D F0� ?�0:;�; The county engin�er 3�as b��un Authoriz�d to put � ta:�a orary surface on <br />this road. :i p�.rrQ�nan� sur�'acing wi�.l }����;in in, -�h� spring �..� soon as th� frost is out <br />of tha ground. <br />�.969 �'OLI��� S.�lit�D U1��: ,�pacifications for the Vi11a�:: Squ�d Cur wil�, bU pub].iah�d <br />and bi�--op�n�._�g is s�t �or .•7onday, �ac�:nb.:r 9, 1968, a�t 1,l;QQ �i�I at t�7-u Villag� Ha].].. <br />:�Ri3���d IiiI,�,S-N�',J BRT�I�T�x�T BpU:iD.:�i�: E�cau��� o�' ;��a difiicult.,i�s ai�cour3t�red in s�rving <br />areas ia�st of I?ionway 35t�d with utilitiss, �t h:s b�an r�comzn�nc�ed bf thu P�.anning Com- <br />miss�.on thai 351�� b�v can�ider�c� a des�.ra�l� ��rast boundary �'or :�rdan i�ills. '�his �nuttur <br />has baen ref4rc:d to th� Fin�nce Co:nmi�t�� for etudy. <br />0.;,� l�fIL3 SURV�Y: Th<; {7niv�rsi�,y of ��iinn�sota has coop�rat�d with t�::.� Vi}�1�.ge in this <br />survey, �i�d t-�ou1d lika th� �ri�.1�g� to conduct a surv�y -�o det�rmina �h� azaria��.as of <br />tr;;aa, 4nd th:: nuwbar of �ach �Tari��y. �ir. �?�rrick of' th� Jaycaes f�;1� tl:a� his or- <br />g�nization might ba it-��•�r�s�tad in h=�lpii�Q with �his survay. � <br />FiUL�:�id R�:�HTS CO��ix�1I1�T��: [�Ir. Da�r�� Irwin and i�irs. Bert i�ioo�.fr4y f'roL� tha �;rden Hilis <br />Gomma.ttGa _ av-„ �aun a't�:;ndin� mee;tir�g� with athar ��xburban re�iresentativea sponsored by <br />'' ths Sta�,a �}epartm�nt of Huruan Righ�s :�ir. Frunk I��nt, �;om�n.� '���a gan�ral purpos� of . <br />" �hes�� filv3tings is to provid� dir�ction und co�ordirt�.iion i��twaan th� 1ocal cot��e:s <br />