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�..,. - <br />-�'�.Ue 2 : _ <br />,� <br />LiQh� on z.ra��r Tan�is i�n;xneer Lund r�ported thG� �,y6�i.00 is �k�e es�i-- <br />_�.. ;r��.ted �rzc� �zven by th� company �ha� dic� �he elec�r�cal �rork on the <br />;to�Ter. �h� 'in�s �a�.l��a.on af this ligh�C ti•�'� s'recomr��nc�ed and au�horized <br />bY councile _ <br />'`Par'_�s and �ecre�i�ion Gommi�tee zs aslfing everyon� using �he :�ause <br />at Joh�.r�na J'a.°. ��i�h ta sign up ��;ain �his year �n �.n ef�o�t to cs�ablish � <br />��rhai pe�cen�ta�e of �h� users ar� fro�n 1'irdEn :ii��.s and hot�r many from �as�- <br />vill�. Las� ,y_ear �'0 per cen-� z=re�e frorfi our v�._,_,1��. <br />.�------�V-�e&��e'-s has no� s�a',�r.�a.-��ec� an ap�l�cat3on as yet �'or theix� �ronased ria��l. <br />f� Specia�. Use �'err�i� 9 thus a Pub3.ic Heara.n; y��i.l�. b� required because of <br />�he h�i;ht o�' t�e mo�ez in �hea.� ��.ans. <br />'�l�e a'�rden �'issoc�a�ion wi�.�. a��enp� �o send �. special no��.ce, i,o no�zfy <br />v�.11ag�rs o�' any �.nd a3.�: publ.ic heari.��s e .�_" - <br />D1C�. �U I�.CIO'lF ��1u�.� ��'1-C.' !`�G-'TrT ��'1��1�OY1 �L1.Z�L��',].il. �S ��1G, �..�ac"�� ne���spapex ior��--,�. <br />'�` ,���c.len f�ii�.ls? Publzc h�arin� no�� ce� 9 etce a�� publish�d in th�.s ne��.►spaper. <br />Zon�.n� I:� s of t�e V�.11a�e o�' �Lrd�n �i�ls a�e ava-� .�ab�e �,� �he Vi�.�.ag� � <br />Ha1� �ree of charoe. :PacYets, �i�� �aps, zoninp ordinane�,- eteo <br />�.re � ava�Iable � �r ;�I P �0 0 . . �_ : <br />- , . ',, <br />Tn�ersor�--x�er�.�irood Dra�na�e D�,�ch: i��ir. Davi.�. Irwin� �.200 in;�rson '_•�oad�,.,._ <br />,.�:�._..�._� ...... ; .,..� , <br />rep�r�"ei� to counc�.l on �his Matter aft�� contacting the peo�le in �he ar�a.::,_.,. <br />Fie s�a���d that �he wma�ority of the peop3:� who vrou�d 3�e assessed �or any <br />��r:��rov�ments �o �his di�ch (on ii�.Zer, C�,rl�on �'� ?'n�erson) we�� not in <br />�-3avor o��' tha.s �?ro�osed plan ta cov�r �l�e di�ch. I��ir. �r�ain sta�ed that <br />tl�� f� mi�.ies on Ti�.�.er Lane �re r�ore conc�xn�d �rith '�h� pond and �he dee� <br />di-�ch runn�.n� a.n b�.c?� af th� l�onl�s on �h� nortY� side of '�il�.er Lane. Tk3is <br />Ma�ter is bein� s�udied by �he vi�.l��ee <br />Snoi�r �.�o��rin�; in the vi�.�a�� is be�.n� handled �n �he �os� �*ffic�ent �anner <br />�hat �s financia��.y possibl�. ��fter a sno�rfal�. th� en�ire v�.11a;~-,e is ' <br />p� ance so every � oad is passab��. �1hen this �o� is comple�ed th� men <br />go ��,c?�� ov�� �he ro�c�s and move �he sno�r back �o the curbs, c1e�.r int�r- <br />s�ctions s e�c. Dep�nding an th� ar:lo�a.nt of s�.nw, this will 'be done several <br />hours �.f�er �he ini-Ei�.l c�.eaning or �he nex� day. Yau r�zght b��r this in <br />___w....�;.�d---irhen shovel�.ing your drivet•ray -- - t'h� ploti�r ��T�l�. b� on your sts ee� <br />tT•:w_cea Be ��La.en� and ?��e,� ap r?��d c�rs �f�' the str�e� so this ,,Lob can b� <br />done s ��fe � v� Y�ad. a reco�d snot•r�'�.��. and r,rden ��i�.l�.s raads ar� in erceil�nt <br />conda.�zon ��l consid�red !� � <br />I+���ntion 5na�•rr�ab�l.�rs: �•: ���Iinneso�a Guide for Snot•r�,o��.lin; pu��.w..�ut by <br />the ia�.nn�so�a �e�te. of �onserva�ion i.s avai�.a�le �t �he Vi�l�;e �a��;-�. <br />+ � �er�embez , ti�ere is a ��.me �nd p��c� for every�hin� - �ven Snot•r�abil�s. �`"�� <br />"_ _ -�ur nei�hbors finc�` it ��iost annoyin; to have �GYt�s� fun, but noisy,. <br />vehic�.es T;zippi.n� rt �h��ougk� yards in �hc l�,te �v�nin� hours. Let � s have . <br />fun and b� consid�xa�� ; <br />1"�nd � �ood �ime �c�as �aa by a�.�. �t �he �;raen �"�ssociations' ,3rd annu�,�. <br />_ dznner--c� �nc� he.�r� a-� i��cGuires �as� nan�h� '�he �io pri�� � a t�ree��-end a� <br />t��e ��?ors�ar rnn9 ��ras iron by �,�,rb�r�. �.na Jim I��ajors of Gr�r�s�.e �oad. <br />C�� �:�:i� iJ��. Janua.�y 7, ��G9 P1ann�.n� Cor.�ma.ssion <br />January 13� I;�Gq Council ��00 �� Vi1�a�� %7ZI1 <br />January 27, 19�9 Gounci�. �� i� ,t <br />