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- ` 2 - �p,.iX *69 - <br />VAI��'_�Ti�tE I�I�,iaS �LF� ���'T �? �' SCziCJL . F�� cai1l be br�anized a�� a special �eet�n� an 1�1a� � 5 at <br />7:30 pc� in ��e Sc.hool �oaLd Roora a�. �r�u.n�sview ili��. SchaoZ. . <br />���TCY 1��O��IC.�, I55G ��Tasi. Arr�en �Iace, a seriior. .wt �iouncasvzeza is Ie�,vin� in Att�tis� to spend a <br />- pear in S�a��er_ a.s a, tiot,�.r� Intern=!tional`:�ctia�.�e S'tudent, StZe is qein; sponsnred. by ttie <br />" 1�inn�apolis 'o�ary Club.. � <br />VIL �.1GE FOTi�OUn�?1. � � <br />'I'€�.e ne�� t�e,:-�ber a� t.he Civi.c. CentEr Co�n�ttee �s �:r. 3erry Lurd, <br />hir, Alber�. Flin��, :�as b�en �.�prov�d .as a r`�t!7 ar �uI.I titne �^ai,ntc?�ance d��,artt�ent <br />� e*�ploy�e. <br />_ 'T?r.e s�cr�.ta.r;� �o �':e C� er�, s4dr:�in�.straEor.i ositzon hus b�Yn. �i�led by �i;ancy �3euLvl, <br />' �ir. � Ir�,�in has reszor�e� £zo�:: the �'.•�;�a;� Ri;hts Con�-si�tee. Lhe Ix'c:=irs are r�ovin� <br />�o t:�e GhT e�.Uo are�, <br />F�?r. Jot�nson re�i�ned £rarn t�e �o�.ic� depar��ent. Tlze .�ohrson5 �re m.ov:�n� to .�t�e <br />l]u�:u1:I� are�. i•`r. Johr� :icna 3.zas been apr.o�n�e� i.o ��.ke his .pl�.ce �,s a p�r� ti�e <br />polic� o"fic��.. . <br />N.r. $eecher ar��? -�iza4 arran�e-:;ents far s�rcet s�•r�epin; i.n .]r�?en ::zl%s h�ve been <br />made anu raill start as soon as ti�e . s�re��ts are dry� <br />�'c3'� 42..eton is tc�e c'aair�:.��� C� t i� Sprir.� �%�E'.uIt �1�. �2x'"!i3c1��7,. �12 Jc�.JCEES aL'E CG—OT�c..��- <br />. a.�LA� DIl, ti17.S eVETi�, <br />Z°tta .74yce�s .iave a�'�ere� �o ra'_�e a wvus� to house suive;- in the vi7.7.a�e reoa�din� <br />. � -, � , ..S`���'C.'�- 1-�4�i4.1 �u�. � � - . � � � . . � <br />�; PCO�:T NG: <br />�'ay' 5 Pu3�lia '1ie.c'1.L]_Tl� on 'Ta��r �-a.prov�mer:L �t L•"oun;�•� Tii�Y: !h�aLre �:00 g�. <br />Piay 6 Piannind Corr�.ission r3eeti.nU a� Vi11�,ge �.a1Z . 8:0(3 pn <br />r.fay� �2 V� II�A� meetin� 2t Vz1Ia�� II�.II $:C�O pzn <br />. �cliool �owrd r::���;n� �� :^'pLFF1C�SViPtd i1ir�.i.7. Scl�oo3. 7:Q0 m <br />P <br />L�tay I4 �an:Izd�.i es i�_ee��n;s�onsox'e? by t�e L�a;ue at <br />Z1oundsviet�r .;.,?"..J;; 3ct;oal Titea�tre . 8:�0 p�t <br />� I�ay 2C SC..GO� EO.�:.?� �..�GTIO�� . . <br />. , Tentative Speci�.� Uc�aool Doar� r-��e��_n� on :ir� �,� .�`o�nd�viei� 7. <br />•�0 pm <br />I�`.aY 2b VzI� a�e Counci.l meetin� a� '�y'i� ].aQe ,I�+3 i <br />School �ourd neetir,n .,1 r; ,,- g:f}0 p�. <br />��� our��sT�ies�r E���tl �c.�aol 7• 00 -P�' <br />' ` i <br />��tt�rastec� zn he�pi�� on the Crier? Ca1I �•:ary Irc•.rin� ?,.��-�.37J or Caro�.e '.�iasley, �84-7�90 <br />�or rare :�nror��.tion on Lt3e �r_�ez-es�inu possi�i2ities c£ tr_s endeuvo�.. <br />� <br />.Rs <br />