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Town Crier No.37
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1969
Town Crier No.37
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_ 2 � <br />��G� .ROAFi C^_�T��.�i�G"�IC>N �L:si:�� 'I:";.e Eo�Ior�tir:; is the ro�� cons�:��.c4zon 2,nd �azntenanca �,=i�,hi.n <br />our vi.Ilage as anno�inced by the Coanty �n�ine�r's o£fice: <br />P.n�a ca��str�:c�wGn _ �te�'E �'ox ;taad <br />N��,t sur£�ce aver <br />exi.stin� s�rx�:ce -�Ta�-�iine �ve�ue iro�u Co�n�y �tca�* C. �a �;:�n�c ?Iigh�,�ap 5I <br />.. .tn�e�sectzc�i� �;c" �ounty �oad E 3nG Snellin� f�,ven�se <br />?�1CSC3�. c�E4s� s�al. - CQ�n�y ?aad � ��or� Ha:a�zne �.ve�ue �D �.2i'.iY3�'�Oi1.:AV�TLiI2 <br />�.C25� sea�. caa� - Co�sn-�y Road E2 ��a� Fiigh�way 35��1 �o Sz:ell�r._g �venue <br />.- Cau�.��T �oa� i��ro�. :�igi�c,�ay 35�T �o �nell ing Avenue <br />_ Co�.�nrp �o�� I frort �i;hway 8 tQ Lexi��on Avar.ue <br />-. I�r.l�ine rvenue f�om 4e�r�tv Ra�� I�o I.exi.n�'�con Avenue <br />C�S� c�; p scal - Le�;ingtan ��ve�sue i s om �Ct�r�t; �o�c� � ta �t�n�tp 8�ad ,�� <br />R�LER'I�S Cfli=ST�tiJ�Z��fi �0�3PAiYYs �i�.e p:.ans p�t t�ao buiid�ngs, �ne for 6�-,C�00 sc�. ft. and the <br />otY�er �a� 30�iJC�O sq. ��. �aer� pr�sented L'a �he Blann�.n�- Cor�mz.ssi�r �,� khe J�.�y 1 raeetar�g. <br />ihe Zocatiotx is �.��:�� uexin;ton nar��x a� the DSTn:acast Camp�p. :Y���� d�.scu.ssion e.�e <br />P�,an:��nd i.����ss=o�: �tz��e���c� a rea;sed si�e �lan z���.��d be rteee�sary; ane ti�.at �4*as raore in <br />conol.ia�ce.�riii� �ha vari.ous vilia,�e bixi3_�inp ordznances and l�ndsca�e reqaix'esnents. - <br />GrVTC C�I`�'I`�:: T�ze .�Zan�zi�.� Goa��ission has �.pp:ot�e� �,he si�c: o� �h.e �`loral P�rk end G�3�� <br />t��'.�pe�ty purchase as ihe ���c�a��e si�e az" the n.�w CiV2.0 C2s1'��?'. TYte. �ar�binzno of �he �wp <br />�ra�:e�ties ��h�.cl� u�e a�3;�acer!t '�.a 2ac'� ather ���� the si.te t�i�,� �uci� r:;ore ��.exib2e i.n terms <br />o£ b�.�ildi.r.g c��s��ttction and ta�rr�r��hy ro� sz,�e ].Q;.atiene Iiucn �.ore t��i�. be heard on t�is. <br />�"J��.,TC ?•70_Z�.S �i;�-� ,TP•?�id'r; I� n��r loca�io?� for the ?au'uI? ��ar�s d�?��r�.�ent ar�d the vi.iJ.age's <br />h�avy zct�inznsnt is being souQ��„ A szx �cre si.�:s is :^ec;uired. T11e c�epart€�.ent is also �onsid- <br />E�. in� �he ucquisitian ai: the viilaae`s own �as pur�� ��r the se�-t ieing of the viZlage*s equ.ipu�ent. <br />P�.��LIC t�i7BBIS=? i3;��;1��;;: �auncil. €��a:� ����j�a�ec� th�. 3.icers?n� o} four rc�b?�i.,sk� com�an�.es �ending <br />aP�ra�xa� a� �I.� ca�d�.tion af t�e ��:uc;c� b�• �'se�lth 0���.cer i�r. ���r�as„ The fou� are nI1 Stat� <br />�is�osal s �'��T �Lcw�p �.�E�'vi.ce, �;ubbzsh 2�.�ova�., Fnc. , B:r.C� �i1�LT'�?azt ��c�up S� <br />Ti.��� C'�I.��G�: ?iie P7a�n�n� �":o��i.sG�r�r reeor:�enc�s �hat aI� apnlica'���r. submi.�ted �a '�ize �Ianning <br />Ga��:iissiUn �e received at leas� ��a� w�eYs Cer �et3. �a�kin.g dav�} prior �o a�'ianning �a►�i.ssiQn <br />��ee�in� �nsfi.e��d q� t�:2..�r�srn��:iy re�L�.�ea four ;aor�;in� ciaysY Ceuncil t�as a3�praved. <br />5.�"�I��'�.�2Y S�3�R ? 2 r'�:� I3: �au�.ci.I �as a��rraved these �ewe� prajec�s excep� iar the fi�tn �re� <br />in ni3 C�he no��"�east ec�x� a� �:a�-�h ?��r:�J� �'he a�s�oro�i�at� cos� �� this �roject i.s �SSb,U7S, <br />�i.����"� ������R.i .�Ni7 CO*�fi.i,i,�7��fi.r.� �.nt� Cui•a�'AT+!y. 'Tr�e L'lannin.o C��mzss�on ap��ov�d the bt��.Zdir.g <br />ger�?i�..o� t:r. J, S:aeitzer �f �v2��z2r Cfltas�r�.cti�n Gam��ny ior �ne.cQns�ruc�ion af the ��s <br />�r�:>�•e�y �n�i Contir,ent�� Can bt��.Tc3in� �e�t:�ng tne vil�.a�e en�inee�°s �nspection cst various <br />L;�xlni�g deta�.is a?tc� �e€:e�s roa� a•�eas ��� t�Q t�sua`t :E.a��uea�� plar. s,Tith bonc�i�g. <br />s���A� �`-��e; '��.e ��annin� Cammissio� discussed crar�.cus esti�ates Q� cos� on ar�ial maps and <br />reca�r.-�en.deci �i�at �his ite�. f,� ���clz.�ded zn r�e�ct y��r's b�1c�Y�t. �o ir.�--�edia�e r�urchase was <br />a�p ro�ved, � <br />� <br />!�r�i�� �.��CRy1,�': ��11�.5� W$1�1i10 i3r ��� �12.I�p <br />�ril3.a�ars :�re con�err:�? �.�i�� �h.e us� o� �,�e "- : <br />o'c"s r�in barrel. ,���,�� <br />� � � <br />' ������- �� � �� <br />���� �� <br />���s���� ���� ��� <br />��_ <br />
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