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. ..�_ <br />'Th2 .�b�:� H�ZLS POI.,�C� �EP:��t�;�'i�;T h2,s received a letter fsom �e�mi� hec��;:an, �ari��, in <br />prazse o� �he r�ui��, ac�ions or O�fiee�' Gardon F�.c1:et�� i.n �e'�pirg to sav� the li.�e o� a 22 <br />g�:ar oId gi.rl a-t a`�ail �a�ce L'eC2��lg'■ `�Je w o�lc� like ta tliank (3ffzcer �'ickeCt �ar <br />his Ti.�es�uin� deec�e Kudo�. <br />.��GLI.:;I�I��Y BL'��T for �.9iE3 cai? 1�e sui�:ni��ed by Clerk rldmini.s�rator Sfira�zc�uist tQ the Cot�nei7. <br />at .the r'�agust I}: meetin;, it u�i13. t���n r�ceiv� st�tdy irotQ �h� �'i��anee Co�i.ttee- anti the �ounc�.� <br />i� pr��ar�t�on fot tlke £inal a��roval,, <br />H[a�.�hi �2�GHTS CC3��IS5Ic3£� wil�. stt��y tne uz�.l�g� ordiriance, bui%c3inb ca�ies� e�ce�era for segu�.a- <br />ti.nns w�ich would prevent the cons�.r�3ctio� a� ia� cost �otzsi�g in Arden E�iI7:s. Thi&�.is part o� <br />a .s�a��wz�� s�cudy b� conc�uc�i�d. <br />COBE Ri;Vi��ON; The coTs��ii �:istened to a let�gthy�ssion an code revision a.nd in.speatian fees <br />on J��y 2S. �'u�ther study r�i.l]. b� needed b��are �cti.on ca.n be tak�n$ ax a new ordina�Ce wri�tan, <br />SC�TbQL P;OTES: . <br />r�0�'I'H�RRI COi�'T�,GTI�=G CO�=P:��Y' was a�a�arc3ed tn.� 3.o�r bid o� $4� � 265. S� an the r�sur� acin� v� �he <br />pa�kzng l�t a� Rfouncisview High Se�c,o�. <br />��'CTIa�I R��f}UN?', 1�1i�nesct�'� �irs� sc?�o�� voarc3 eiec�%an recouti� is s�.�ll �.n fihe �socess ar.d <br />sho�la be eone�.udec s�o�-tly. T�ose rece�ving va�es in �.he elEetion saere ta a�.�thor�.ze a. person <br />t0 �'e�3��.5��►.t tI18IIt Y.12 i:�t� ��CCliTl'�. <br />�CHObL C1�,LE:+�m��.t for 3.9i0.�7�: ;�s un��r aiscussi,o� by �he SehooA ��rda �'� Wi.l2 star-c �he d�y a�t�r <br />Lahar iiay and ��3.3 finisii ��rin� tl�e �irs� week �� J'�ne,, �wq w��ks a� Ctiristt�ast.�-ie, Easter v�ca� <br />tion to iz�c3.�ae Good Friday and Faster �gcnday and tL.e t=.s�al halzday�.. `I'his it�tn been ta <br />;?�.os�. yoL how de.�ica�ed cur sct.col board rnembers are. i+''��thiy a3F�et�ngs yeas a�'oitnd hy �he� on � <br />ehe ii.t'�Ie ni�ty grzt�ys of ��e sc�oa3� ciis�xict, such as discussin� the schoai ca��ndar on a ho'� <br />T�l,�r .evening. s�:o=� us �?�eii �edicRtion. <br />?ED�RAi.. Gl'.A1�;T: �istrict 52�. c�i1Z � a �ed�:rai �rant o� �47,��8 a.n `'�itl.e T r,�on�.es €or <br />`edera�iy ir�;pac�ed se�ool dis'�ricts, �on�ress�a�t Kar��'s o�fice has anr.�unced. I�paetec� <br />:e�s�a� funcis �ram�s are for schoo? d;stric�.s whos4 �nro:l�en�.s are increased b�� -�he �.oc3tion <br />�f fa�i�i�ies suci� as �he Ars�nalo • <br />CCE .A�tIIdA. '�'i�e sc?��o1 board agr.aed to enptzasiza to tt�e Ra�.s�y Count� ^o�uni,ss.ioners the desireab-- <br />i.lity Q£ h�ving onE of tr�e pro?�osed "zce arenas to be b�%7.t in Rutnsey C4tn�y built in the <br />=rau�c�s��.e� School Distric-�. � <br />?t3SS�NG: D�strzct 621 wiI}. bus G�.� ,�tucierts beginrt%ng with the sci�ool term i.n Sept�ber. Ttii.s <br />iil��ude the 708 students attendi�a €��rochzal sc�nn]:s S`t. J�hn�s �qd ��,. ndi�ia's in the <br />;chool dis�ric�, '�e.�:ve acidi�ion�3, busses w i.�l �e r�.�uirecl and t�e cpst �iJ.l be $59, 750 with <br />�I.Sa 7�-E3 bei:.4 paicl h� �h� State o£ hiinr�eso¢ a. . <br />'U�`PQt1RRI : <br />`he pA�ICS C�i���iT'?'Ex� A�� T�� CIVIC C��i�'"�Ft C42���I'Z"I'r.� hav� had a�aint �nr_e4in�; and if: was decz�ed <br />a hav� the services o� a�'ianner d�velop a preiaminary cor�eep� plan for tha twenty acre c�.viC ' <br />�nter ar� Fivsa�. Z)rive Park. <br />