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- 2 - <br />�O�ERTS �ONSTRUCTIQN GOMPANY: has r�ceived approvai v£ a revised s�t� plan f rom the Planning <br />GDiA�iSS10� �� �wa proposed buil�ings. i�e�ailed si�� plans are to be sub�i��e� Lo� ap�roval <br />�hen �he company a�pl�es �o� buildi�g pa�its. C���cil also appraved. <br />�,�._ <br />`���C�,L�' 0?L CO�S�i�AI�Y: has presen�eci an� ammended si-�� plan ior thei.r station unde� canstruc�iQn, <br />�a� Lexi.ngton and Red Fax �aad. 'I'klis was the add%.tion o� t�ao �ump islands used fo� �he di,spet�sing <br />of gaso�ine anc� �ahzch ha.d been om�i,tted on the originax plans. CounciJ, a7.�owed. <br />�AIN�` PAUL, BaO� �N� �TA'�'�f}i�E�tY: has received approval on tt�eir pro�osed site plans and �he <br />buil.ding permit was issued �or a re�ai,� store anc� war��iouse �a be loc�tad on 5� ac�es at 122I <br />%rest Caut�ty Raad � in Ardan T�ills. ��r. En�elbur� o�' Sairit Paul IIook said th��r wo�ld liYe to <br />s�azi movin� in�o �he new building arv�nd Agril 3., 1.970 as they � be out of the a3.d store <br />on ,7uly �., 197t3. �onstructi�,n shau7.d star� in�tedia�e�.y. <br />Atti�EN H�I,� 5 NE;� B'�TGI�TC1�i �OUND�,k:Y MATT�,it: Counci].mar� Henderson sa�.d ��.ets and fig�ares wi17. be <br />presented by each vfl�.age cdncex'� the area inv�'olved in a possible proper�y exci�an�e r,rhich <br />wo�ild hane Znters�a�a I�35W as tt�e proposed new houndary betcaeen ��e �rilla�es. <br />ORDIATANC� 7.p3, an ord�nance am�end%ng C3sdinance �.t13 �eiating to t he mun.icipal water sys�em� <br />to revise '�he deliaa.queney penalties a�8 r�vise the proceduxe for h�.nd�,ing water ze�eter deposits <br />receivee� i.ts finai s�e�dina at Co�ncil.. Appravad. <br />Q�DINANC� 11�: Th�.s ordin,az�ce was given its� zeading. �his is at� ordinanee a� the <br />ariginal ordit�.ance relatin� to rates and charges for �he �nunicipa�. sanitarp sewe� system. by <br />chat�ging th� del i�quency <br />�(3�TI�iG QR�����ICE: an ammenci�nent groposal. tv the zbning or�ir�ance was disct�ss�d at �he �l.annin� <br />Commissi.on. T�tis �,�ouJ.d reco�nmend the changin� o£ the o�di�.ance to i,nc�.ude a requ�.r�net�t th�� <br />al�. ma�han.ical operati.n� equzpme*�� on �he xoof or ot� the graund be sereet3,ed �sou� VI�W� <br />,� <br />3 <br />`'� ��TPC}i1IZR.I : <br />1�o�er Rei.lin� has been a�pointed Cnaz.rman. o� �Ite Public ��orks Coma�zt�ea. T�is va:ca�.cy xs due <br />to the death oi Mr, Jonas. <br />'I'lie Parks and Ree�ea�ion cornmi��i:�� ara ob�aa.nin4 several develapment concept plans £rom <br />di£ferent pla.nne�s �ar t he civic cen�er nd F1oral par�C sive. <br />4�tab�r 2� has be�n proclaianed by the I��ayar Bjorndahl as ilnzter� N��ions ilay i.n A�den Hills. <br />R�rrp McCardle, ��;�e �cou� has completed �.he instailation o£ trash barrels a�ong t�Ze pedest�ian <br />�rail. �iave yo�z seen �hern? The Council. sant their ap�recia�ion to 1Cerry and �re settd aurs. <br />L�E�GLIE 0�' ��iD��;EN ii0'�ER�. "'Ge� acqua�.nted Tea" taili be he3,d a� tlae �.ome o� Mary ��=r�ch, 321i? <br />Ham�it�e on �ep�etnbe� 4. CZerk �dmini.strator Lorraine Stro�nquist £roza �'�e vi.iiage wi1l �alk on <br />the history of the village artd th� s�rvices �ravided in it. T�ere a�e tFaaconvenient ti�nes <br />�or this annval occasion; 2:Ufl to 3:3fl prs� and 8:C1fl to 9:3f} pm. Ca�e and learn �I�e c a7.orful <br />past of tne vil7,age anci �Iso f:kze Leaguat tnat manp face�ed organizaCi.on. <br />UPCO�i IN�: <br />�'1az�ni�� Gor�m.isszon September 2 <br />Council meeting Se�tember S <br />Schaol Board meetitxg Septt�mber 8 <br />":,.hoo]. Boar� �eeting Septe�ber 22 <br />�uncil meeting Sep�e�-nber 23 <br />Vil �age T�al�, 8:00 PM <br />Vi ]. I age HaI 1 8:(30 PM <br />Mo�.ndsview 7:00 �M <br />�oundsviei�r 7:�3Q PM <br />ViI%age HaI.I 8:OJ �ts <br />7'he Town Crier is p�.�ased to announce an a.ddi�ion to the staf£, Mrs. �"orrest Bear. Maxine's <br />ex�erience and coznpe�ence will 3�e a we3.�ome �o ye editar. <br />