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2_ . <br />ORDII�A��CE #99: Attornep Courtney recar,n�ended ��fATER M�'�SRS: Since ihe cost of ineters will �e <br />the' intro�uction of this cLdinance by ti.tle. x�.�-��a 7% G$ of �he first of ti�e year the vill- <br />.`�I3�E ZaNING 04DIN�P�G� TO I�LQUIRr� SCR��NIIvG OF �ge will order 5.Oa m�ters no�+r wit.h �uaranteed <br />�.'�C�-iAtvICAL �Q��Il'I�r�P]T, it was sa i.�itrac�uced and �el ive.ries , and paym:ents to 3�e s tag�ered over ^ <br />�ivein its £irst reading. �t was then referred � io $ manth period, Tha riew �zeter deposi� <br />will. be $5,00 over the viilage cost ef�ective <br />to. t�.e �Ian:�-�ing Gomrnission, th� Pubiic Works ��n.u�ry. 1, 1970. <br />Committee and the P�bl ic 5a€ety Colrnni.ttee �or <br />their revi�w and recarmendati.ons. B�i1NbARY 5iL':D�l: : L'rtg'inear Lunci was reqt�ested , <br />L-o ob�;ain �he assessed v.aluati.ons af the vars-- <br />0�2DI1�.�iCE �!�9: This �,tas also intro.��c�d bq n�s .propertias involved in the baitnc�ary study, <br />tit.le and r.e£erred to :comntitL-ee; O�.IlTNA:�CE ��� ?3ollenhorst and I�endez�sot� will <br />A,ysMEN1�I�rG OFt�?I?1Al�CE #49, R�LI�T7�G T0 Ti�� OP- ��ceive these �indings ior £tzr'th�r tr�aetin�s with <br />�RA'�ION 4� TH� A7UNICI3'AL �Ai�fi�TAi2Y SEi��R SYSi`EM, T�Iew . Bri.ghton on t�is ma�fie�e <br />Tt� REQ�iI RE CANTROL MANriQi�u AND P��"TyRS Il� ' <br />��RTAI;� S�TtIAT�CENS. • VII,L_�uE r��RIAL MA�'5: Eilgineer Lt�nd suhm�tted _ <br />copies o� a proposa� for an aer�al survey of <br />A.N 0?�i7��iAi1TCE R��ii1IRING SP�CIA� T3SE PERT3I'�S FOR ,.��den �i�.13.s co� ap�,roximatelg 64 miias <br />AUT��SQBIL� S�R[�ICE STAlIO�i� TRGYI3]�NG .FOIt ?,�- as we1l �s �to�ographic niappi�g fts�' the 2D .acr$ <br />CE�SING SUC:i :ST�TIqP15, F�xl�%�SHING I�ZCEi�TSE �L��S aau�ai.cipal building-Floral . Park area. Council <br />THE�F,'F'Ol.2E AND Pi?t3YXDIi�i�» k'Ei��,TI�'S FOR VIOT..ATIQN nrdered two sets of aerial photos and trvo sa�s <br />�d by Attorn:ey Courtney. This w�s . o� t�.e �:osaics, Thi-s was ordered through <br />then sent to the vi].iaga p1a:�nin� cansultants, Alarlc ��urd Ae�ia7. �rveys, �nc. • <br />h�idwest Plannin� and �te,search, Inc., for their , <br />pez'�sal. _, � SA�IITARY SE�d�R �i2 A:t�T� �3. Engzrieer �und pre- . <br />� sented spees �ar ti�ese improvea�ents for Council <br />O���TANCE P�t�I�I$ITTIdG �Ei1DI;E?�8 OR SOLICITORS apgrova�., Council did ap�rove and set t.he hid . <br />�`?��ri Ek3T�RING L�Pfli3 CE�TAiN p:2r'�IxS�S �dlT�iiN '�H� openi:ng for ldovember 7.. Gonsideration of the <br />VILLr1GE O� ATiD�N HTLLSs 1�9IIrii�TL�S4TA ANi) Pl�t}V�DiI�G �i�� �o 'ae at i:he Pdovembe� 10 regular Gouncz7 <br />P�i�ALTIE$ '�i�EREE'ORE was also read aloud and the ��at�ng. <br />Caunc.i� then adopted said ordinance. - , <br />?i3�LIC A.�I�.XNG: The Asobil E3il. �ar�aration's <br />�30DEL CT3R�L�+T C3RDI�t�NC£: The CounciT �pproved. �equest �Qr a special use permit �or a se�-aice <br />the first reading vf a new cur�ew orda.nance �ti$�;�,an an the na�t�iwest cornar an Ir�tersta�e <br />w�Ric�. fol3ows the mo€iei reco�smended �or suburban G9�+ and ,�exingtar► Avenue is the subje�t for a , <br />R�,ztsey Cnunty vilZa�es. In e��ect,. a 10;00pm �b1ic on Monday, .November 3 at 8:t30pm <br />cur�ew for thase iG ar�d ttnder. a�td a].2:dOmid:. �� the Planning Comr�issian xa�.e�ing. � <br />niglit. cur�ew for tltosa �.7 years old. <br />••.. ST�trLT LIGIITTNG C0�1�lITT��- Tt�e fallowiti�g app� <br />A1.I af these ordiaianr�s.may be studied at the ����� ��ve been m�de by the Planni�g Commissi.on, <br />�illa�e haTZ it .yv�t are. �o i.nt�res�ed. 'ih� ?�ublic Saiety and Public Works Committees to <br />��taff at the hal! we�.comes any enq�i.rie�. reviaw �Y�e vi7.lage s�reet Zightin; ma�ter.. <br /> Com�ission: Tam Iiorty, i.arry �rda3.e <br />Oh STR�L'� �'ARi�IhG: iiie public n�Qr1.5 cammi.tte� 1'ubiic SaEety- Dicl; Ashto�, �i11 R��pl.e <br />recommended to Cc�.ctnci7. an a�endment to .the Pub�ic [-iorksa T,,orenzo Netarnari, I�lorbert SoukotYg <br />�resen� ordinanc� proh.ibiri.n� parkin� on village� - <br />streets during anc3 2� k�ours. a�ter a snow 5�or�. �p�Z*���'rAI�.CA11T COI�'At�• Acting Mayor Crepeau <br />This �sovld give the.vxl7.a�e snox��lowing crew �ead a letter �ro� the State of Minnesota <br />amale t a.�ie to ciear the streets and also would t'olluta.on Ccintrol Age�.cy to Conti.nenta� Can Co, <br />keep the s�reets C�ear o� snowbirds. The a'�i�oz'-. �equestin� infosmatznn concerning ths i�dust�ial <br />ney was requested to draw �� t�is prdin�nce. �saste disposal provi.ded at <br />::tte plant zn Arden Hills. '� <br />