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Town Crier No.45
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1970
Town Crier No.45
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5I'FZ�tARK 5KI SHO�: �'. Wi�12 iam Wegleitner <br />presented revised si�e g�.ans �or �he construc- <br />tian of the sic? shap at a special planning <br />commissi.on meetung on April 23., Since he is <br />f'"��.chasing ad�itiona� land vn the east Izne <br />o`the present land parcel w'hich is located on <br />t'south side of Co�nty �oad E adjacent to <br />PLLEMBIIdG Cb�E; John Su�livan, Chairman o£ the <br />Ordinance Review Co�unit�:ee presented a rP�ort of <br />the cammittee which recommended the adoptian of <br />iche Mi.nnesota plumbi.nd Code wi�houi any mod if ica� <br />tions, Attorney Courtney was reqtiestea to prepare <br />ar� ardinance draft. <br />t_ _ east property line o€ Harkins Golf Tees, he pp�Ii,A1�CE DIt�TS: The P1at�nin� Commission recom- <br />had proposed an alternate site.pZan. A�t�r mends appruval o� tha propased se�vice statzon <br />review it was re�o�-anended by the commission �o o�dinance, the off s�xeet �atrking i� residential <br />approve the issuanee of a�uilding permi't £o� areas ordinance and the under�round utilities ' <br />the construction. P�,anning Cqatim� wazved ar��,�,��ce s�b,jec� to approval of Attorney Courtney; <br />the reqe�i.rements o� a subdivision pian. Mr. ordinance dra�ts also referred to the a�torney, <br />�3eg�ei.tner was requested to obtair� approval ef <br />�he propased curc cut an�o Cnunty Road E from ���Rp ��',�gR gp��� *���y����: �ng����z �,��� informed <br />the itamse}* County En�in�er, the Council that the IMetro S��.Ter Board has reqt�est- <br />�d a set o� the sewer im�rovement pians now being <br />P�RICS AND RECRI�,ATION: .Thzs camm�.ttee at t�zeir constructed and �. cogy af ttie viilage's <br />meeting on Ap�il 1� anriounced_the resignatian �aster secaer pla�.. <br />of .7ackie Sprat� from the co=�ittee and reconvn- <br />ended to cout�c i' as a rep i. aee�^ent � Phi�11 i.pga I��p CDN`I`RUL �IOUS� BUiLllIi�1G �E�NI T: Couric il appraved <br />Liadquist, it was furthe� suagested t.ha� �Srs. the i.s��ance of a buildirtb permit for the construc- <br /> asked Lo s erve as secreta�'y. �ion of a con�rol house a� 410U iva�t� �'E�nWood. <br /> "HerrzCk sug�estec� that the comtn.i�tee <br />contact tha Tfiet�opo�itan Council �o see if tt�ey DOpR QF HO�E: 'The P�anning Cor�nissian reca�mended <br />night be inte�ested in aeq�i.rin� same af our denial of t�is reguesk to construct a rehabi.ii�a- <br />anen sp�.ce. '�his was first disci�5sed at the �ion center beca�ase o� the fo3.loca�.ng reasons: <br />�lanning Commission. Z, Present ac�r.age is nat su£fi.cient. <br />Z. Objectians by neighbars (a peta.iion was pre� <br />lZAi�'�SEY C+`tINTy DITCII N0. 12: 'ihe cost apporti.on- sented). <br />ment far �.he n�w storm sewer for this dit�h wi.7.3.3. Adequate fundin� has not been demonst�ated. <br />i� �'-lnder discussi.on between �lyden Hi�1s, Sttore- �, Inde£i.nite deve�.apment plans. <br />v�i and the �amsey County ��inaer's of€ice, 5. indefini.te iand owttership: ' <br />-' Coe�ncilman l�Ipllerihorst sug�ested t�.at tt�c. Rev. Har�- <br />AN ORDIIVANCE RFpT'�LI�TG OFtI3I1VANC�.l`dq. 8, 1'ROIIIB- mark be �iven suffiecient to clarify thesa <br />ITIi�G DUTS.IDE 33i.7R�ING Ii? TiIE iTILLAGE vXCLPT AS mattars in a saritter� report, <br />PRoViD�� HEREiN, AIdD Ii�1POSI��G PLP;:�L'T�ES FOR <br />VTOLATION was- �.ntraduced by title and carried HIG�i�TAX 5�. P�2EI,I}�3�NAItY LAYOUT PLAN�: The Minnesota <br />unanimonslp. a'� the Apr.i.l 13 meetzii�;. The pro- Highway �epart��nt has beet� sentCouncil copies o£ <br />posed ordinance w�s referred �hen to the Public the suh.»co�ittee's report regarding tihis prelim�- <br />safatp �vrnmittee �or severai minor �hanges an.d inary plan for an i.nterehange at Highway 51 and <br />Arden Hills joins the growzn� number of. me�ro- Snelling Avenue. �'he cornmittae rc=coramended to the <br />palitan corEtmunities concerr�ed in a direet way highway departme�.t that tttey consider locatin� tha <br />wit� aur enviroriment. proposed interchan,re af. �ydia and Snel�iti�; Avenves. <br />Co�nczZman I�errick sug;,es�ed a letter be ser�t �o <br />HARKING$ G�+LF T�ES: Council approved t*ir. HaroldCongressman Kartfn, Sena�or l�shbach anc� Represen,ta- <br />K�stner's reques� to �llaw construction o€ a tive A�dersen to z.niorn� them of �he Co�ncil`s <br />2f}X22 foot additi.on io ihe psesent building feelings. <br />for use as an o�fice. <br />BENBFIT i3tiF'�'�T DIN��R: An evening Ptas be.en <br />p�.ant�ed that wil l benef it t%e Hal.l. i� Q. Brown <br />Comtnuni.ty House �3amp May I8th <br />at ihe St. Paul Ar�s Center. Entertainment <br />by Joha Newby, Cost i.s $14,OU p�r person,for <br />further informaiion �al� Qwen Let`C►er, 633-3DI5. <br />UPC(3�71VG: MAY �9 SGHOOI, BE7ARD k6'I.,EC1'�Oi�1 <br />A�AY 25 covNcrl, ML�rIrrG, 8:�7opm <br />SGHOOL BOAFtD NlE�'I'ING , 7:00 pm <br />
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