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No. �� Augus�'�970 <br />C��e C`�v��t �x�x <br />�uol�.shed b57 �he Arden Association <br />� <br />Caro1 Wasley r�signed as ed��or oi �he �own Crier. <br />Our Tn�.nks for your wox�k, Cara�.. We hop� i�o resume <br />p��.�i�l�ca�ion on a reg�.�lar moncn�y bas3s. <br />T]4MIN�IT�NG COMP�I�TTE� - Arden Associa�ion members <br />are encouraged �o contac� Woodburn, Trudze <br />Harmon or Glaria Kuehr� vaa.�h sugges��d nar��s for <br />new �1,ac� o£ afficers ior 'che co�ing year. <br />SOC�AL - NOV�,MBER (�ch The commi�i.e is planning <br />a special evening of fun and.�ntertaZnmen�. Details <br />w�i� be announced �.n a�.a'Ler edition. <br />BLOCK GJORKERS - Ti you �erved as a�e �'o� Mary He�.�n <br />Horty or Lynn Brem�.ck�r, please call: � <br />' - �n1Y B�R2SGH - �33--?_g33 <br />�t33LIC HEARING 1'��lc� �1u�. 1Q, �on Cl�arles Perry Park Improvemen�. The propasal, b;� <br />a priva�e con�rac�or, was to improve �hat por�ian oi Ch. Perry Fk, along New <br />�3r�gnton Roac�, soui,n of E2 and nor�,h oi i,he Sop Line. The wes�,;ern higher porti,on <br />oi �ii�,s area is �e�ng fi],�.ed and rou�h graded by �.3�e con�ractar. His proposa� was <br />�o fill 'i,�:� lawer eastern area and �znprove it wi�h pienic areas, parking space and <br />� pond us�ng �he wa�e� already �here. He would a�.so pu� ball diamonds in: i.he <br />�restern area. <br />, Thase �.n �avor; w�sh�d i�all Tnose in apposi�ion; wishec� Lhe <br />�. aonc3s xn i,ne village; fe�i� Lk�e na�ural area be .�eff: as is ta provic3e a <br />�rea r1o�c �.arge enough to re�ain nai.ural ha3�ii,a� i'or wildlifle: felt tha� <br />nrildl.iie; f�l'c �he �'low of water a��e�ing of �h�s area would affec� a�her <br />in �i�e eastern sec�io� would be villages in the Rice Creek w-.ter 5hed �.n <br />:�irec�ed, noU oi�sU�uc�ed, even� of ��ood candxi:,ians: felt t��iat �.and- <br />i�1 used in. �his wetland 3rea wou�d se'c a <br />� precedent f'or i uLure such reque,�ts . <br />Phe p�oposal was deni�cl ��� �he�.. <br />F`UBLSC HLARING -- A�zgust 10, Sani�ary Sewer �mprov�:nen� �15. This xmproverr,eni was <br />�.clapi;ed by the Council and will ex��tzd �he sanitary �cw�r wesc along Co��nf�y Rd. .r <br />:.c Calumbia Tiansit Con�pany a d�s�cance a�' �.000 fee� a� cas� ow ��1.4,��0.00. <br />�INANC� COh.M�TTLL - Bob Nethercu�, 3908 Dellview wa.s appointed Vice Chairman. <br />�iUD FUNDS a�n �.�;�oun� ci :p223, 50� have been rece�vec� ��y �che villa�e. T�is is pa�� <br />�x L� - or�� �;ran� �'ror� HUD. <br />:U�L�C HuALTH QF��'IC�R - Dr. Raperc Dunn, 3��.2 N. Snel.ling nas o��n appoin�ed 1'or <br />1��uen <br />�70UNDS VZ�`�l PUBL�C SCH�OL DTS 1R�CT CFFZC:� - It . is now loca�ed at 295g No . Hamline <br />�venue. Th� new phone number �,s �3 -� 0. <br />�FT,�J�RY �Lr,GT�O��i�: - Sepi.e�ni�er l�Ln <br />