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� <br />TOWN CRIER <br />-2- <br />Oc�aY�er 1970 <br />CQUNCTL MEETZNG - OCTOBER 12, 1970 <br />1. A permit reques� and plans ior an of�ice �u�J.d�.ng ,at the corner of <br />Hamiine and W. Countiy Rd. F were present�d �y �:�e,A�,thur Nage Cons�rucL�.�� <br />Co. TY�e p�.ilding �s ta be two f'loors of �000 square .f'�e� eac'r,. This <br />projec� reguires �x�ension oi wa�er �.nd sewer se�vac� fro�n Fernwood. � <br />'�he counc�I approved �he bui�.a�.n.g permic ,sub jec �� to receip� o£ a Ie� e <br />oz" intent and comply with vil].age building site requiremen�:s such as <br />drainage, land�cap�ng, etc. The u�ilii�ies excensa.on projeez was a�.sa <br />approv�:d. This repor�;er heard no re�'�renc� to act�on or recommendation <br />�y �h� PJ.ani�in.g Commission concern�.ng thws c3evelopment . <br />2. The request �'or specia3. �se permit �or exp�.nsion o� ch� mobile �o�ne <br />park was deni�d by the Council af�er recommendation lor denial by ;ne <br />Plann�.ng Cornr�ission� PI'P.SC:�3.L zoning ordin�,nce explici�Cly prohibi�s <br />expansian or establ�shment o�' new mobi.le home parks in.t�7e v��lagE, <br />Cha�.g�s i,o 'cl�e ordinance which will rer�nve �hese bars have �:e�n <br />recommend�d by Midwest P�anners, Inc, and were i���r•od�.ced, �y ��.��1e, -- <br />a� th�.s mee'c�ng. The rev'is�d ordinance wi31 be presen�ed �o L7�e Coanca.� <br />on October 20. Adop�ion taz�.1 r�emave tir�e pro:ait��.f:�.on of mobile hom� <br />parks in Arderi HiIIs . <br />3. "Maintenance of �;rees on V�.�.�age �ouleva�ds i� i.he respons�,axl�ty of �he <br />ad�jac�n� property owner, accord�ng �o an exis�ing Vi].la�e ordinance,. <br />and he may i�e assessed for mainzer�ance co��s by �cL�� Villa�e if' Yhe doe:s <br />not comply wi�i� �r�e orc3inance ." Tn�s opinion was presc�n��d oy ; f;�e <br />Vi�lage Attorney �.n �o a request to review a new ordinance draf� <br />an �ha�c sub ject . <br />�}. Many deli�quent utility accounts, �teed �:rad�.ca�ion costs and oak w�,lf; <br />removal. cos cs have been cer�i.fied ta Ramsey Co�zn�y f or collec �ior� w�f�r� :' <br />�axes. A p�nal�y charge is addea when tnis s�ep i5 L�.ker_. V�llage -.- <br />property awners ��7a� have any af' f;Y7e above delinq��en'�; accoun.�s can <br />expect ta see �hem added �o their next tax bill. , <br />CAND�DATES MEETING, OCTQBER 2q, 1970, MOUNDSVI�W HIGH SCHOOL L�TTLF T��T�r, <br />w�1� be at :00 PM. The following C�ndidates have beEn i�v'ii.ed as guesL <br />speakers: Coun�y Camm�ssioner, Dist�ict I, Leo Mayer and Ed Salverda; <br />Sca�e Representa�ive, District �9A, D�.ck Anderson and B�d Philbrook; Ar•den <br />H�:l�.s Cou.nci�(both unopposed), John Hollenhorsi; �,nd �. Gray Henderson; Arden <br />Hills Justice of cY�� P�ace, Jack Marchand and ��c Pom�renke; New Brig��.on <br />Caunci�., Gene F�.sher andBi3� Sma�.�. Thzs meeL�ng is sponsored b� �ne N�w <br />Brigh'�on Business and Professiona� wor�en.s Club anc3 �c�i� I�eagues a� Women <br />Vo�ers of Arden Hil1.s and New Brigh�on. Coff'es and caok�es w�.�1. be served. <br />++++++-�-�h +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-�++++++�-+-►-+++++++�--�++++++-►-++++ <br />`UPCOMING. School Board Nov. 9 2g5g No. H�m].�ne Ave. <br />Nov. 23 2959 No. Hamline Ave. <br />Counci�. Oc�. 2b AH Vil�.ag� Hall - 8 PM <br />Nav . g ,� �, !� �, <br />Nov . 3D �3 :� �s ,: <br />Plann�.ng Cornm. Nay. 2nd -- meeting Monday ins�ead because of <br />T�esday elec�ion, 3 PM, Village Hal�. <br />TOWN GRTER STAFF: <br />Repor��rs: Mrs. Anna-Mari� Ma�teson(��annir�g Comm.); Mr. Dick Bartsci�, <br />�Vil].age Gouncil}; Mxs. Mary Lou �c�:ma.d� (Misce�laneo�:s, ) <br />M�s. Gwen Lerner (Socia7. 8c L.of W.V. )� <br />Ac�visor: Mrs. Sally Woodbarn �'ublication: 1�!rs. Gwen Lerner• <br />Mailing: M�s. Wy Bartsch Edited by M�s . T,a.Vex�ne F�.emmorxs <br />