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No. 51 <br />_�_ <br />January, 197Z <br />VIId.AGE COiJNCIL MEETINGS (Continued) <br />--An ordinance ta regula�e the cor�struction of private swimmfng pools in �he village was <br />introduced by t�,tle and sent to t�►e Planning Commission for study and recommendatfon. <br />--r'�p�o�.ntrnents Eor 1971 to the many commissions and conunittees that assist the Cpuncil were <br />,: announced: Human R�.ghts Co�nissi.on, I'arks and �ecreation Ca�mu�ssion, Comrt�ercia�. Develop�enC <br />Conm2�ssian, Ordfnance Review Comanission, Pedestrian Trai1. Cor�miit�ee, Finance Co�ittee, <br />Givic Center CouIInittee, PE.iblic Works Couanittee, Public Health Commission, Public Safe�y <br />Commissian, fiax Base St�xdy Corrnnittee, BCreet Lightin�; Ca�i�tee, Civi1 Aefense Commission, <br />Appeals Com¢nittee. <br />PLANNING CONAiISS�OI� N1���ING - J'anuaxy 5, 1971 <br />--Scheduled a PUB�,IC HEARING on Tuesday, March 2, 1971, at S:uO p.�►, at the V'i�.lage Ha�1 <br />r.egaraing Case Na. 70-49 for a Special Use Pern:it rec�uest far the additian of �10 lots to <br />the exi.sting_mab3le hone cour�, canstruct�.an o� averni�hfi cam��ng facil:Cties, and a model <br />mobile home area. <br />--Scheduled a PUBI,iC HEARII�G on Tuesday, Marc�e 2, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. at the Vil�.age HaZ3. <br /> Case No, 70-30, Preli.minaxy P�.az--Bussard Addxtian. <br />--Recnatmtended adoption of an oxdinance joining Ramsey County in a joint pro;ram of soliu <br />waste management, establiskiment of a review procedure, and regeal Sectian 2 thraugh B of <br />Vil.lage Ordi.nance 97, A�i O1�AINA�iTCE �tEGULATING THL� DZSPOSAL AND DiTM�ING �F GARBAGE, REFUSE, <br />AN� OTHER TRASH: ,PROVIDiNG A�EIiMIT SYSTF�� �'OI� DUMP�NG ANU FOR SANITARY I..ANll�ILL: PItOVIDING <br />PENALT�ES FO�t VIOLAT�ON, AND P.EFF.ALING ORDINANCE No . 3. <br />--Aavised tliat the 8pec�.a1 [1se Permit for a dress shop by Mrs. Karma Nielsen (Case No 70-46) <br />has been withdrawn. <br />MQUNDS VIEW SCHOOL BQARA 1�EWS <br />•-Student Ae resentation on Schqol �oard <br />':. Recently slec�ed �epxesen�atives from Mounds View High Schooi, Chuck Mosher anci his <br />� alternate Ken Steffensoti, and Bob Lind fxom Ironda}�e High Schoo�. wi11 serve as the ne�a <br />�tuden� representatives to the Mounds V';ew School Boaxd for the res� of ��L7.9 SC13pOI term. <br />They sha],}. have alI the duties and rights of reguiar membexs, e�cept, that in accordance <br />with Sta�e T�aw, t�iey sha].J, no� have votfng privileges . <br />�t is hoped that �he srudents may brin� to the Baard di.fferent types of xnformation and <br />opinions which may noi have been heard regu�ar?�y in the past. Very often members of the <br />SchooJ. Board are una�rare of the students' reactions to the many cievelopments in their <br />schaols, ancl it is hoped that the new representatives wil� help to �ill the conununication <br />gaP, <br />--Teacher I�e�atiations <br />Representa�ives o£ MVEA have indicatesl,��b.�,.�_they wili iz�r�roc3uce their ecanamic package a� <br />the Special School Bosrd Meetixxg an February �, The Law �equi�res con�xact sett3.ement be <br />completed by March 2b, some hard bargaining in upcom�tng weeks. <br />--Ci�izens Advisory Com�nitt�e <br />Supe�intendent Witter reported at the 3anuary 1J. 5chool Board Mee�ing that over 5(�0 persons <br />ha'd heen reco�mended to serve an the n,ewly approved Citizens Advisory Committee. Persons <br />whose natnes have b�en suggeaCed will be recefving a}.etter ask�ng them to commit themselves <br />to work s�i:�h the group. The first mecting o� t�iis connnittee wiiZ �ie held on �'ebruary 2 at <br />Highview .Tunior High. <br />--Extended Schoo� Year Co�miit�ee <br />Bulletin �+, describing az�athe� p�an for extending the school year, was xecen;tly mailed tp <br />every home. A public ��.qn meeting is plaz�ned in conjunc�ion with the Citiizens Advisory <br />Committee meeting at Hf.ghview vn February 2. In February a survey wi11 be mai�ed which wi1.1 <br />give xesidents an opportunitiy t4 responci ta a1i the infox�ation i�eing d3ssemi�a�ed by the <br />^ Citizens Com�ittee. <br />