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�- <br />-2- <br />February, 1971 <br />to Lexington Avent�e from County Road B to I-694 (approved at this meetir.�), and a proposa3. <br />for improvec;�ent to Co�znty Road � between Lexington AVenue and Snelling Avenue (a p�oposed <br />resolution was requested so A�toxney Cour�ney cauld repo.rt to Counci�. February �s.) <br />VILLA�E COUI3C�L MEET�[�G � Februar o �.97'1 <br />l. Anpther discussion of Ramsey County p�ans far recanstruction of Snelling Avenue was held <br />witk► Caunty Engineex Floyd Snyker ancl a n�unber of a�fected and a.nterested residents who <br />were �n at�endance at �he meetir�g. <br />The Village Counci�. approved a modi.fied gropasal o€ widen�,ng and improving Sneliing Avenue <br />from Arden P�.ace to County Roaci E2 to include reducing the grade on the hill sou�h of <br />County Road E and erecting fencing tio protect the open area at the southeast carner of <br /> and Caunty Road E, The intersect�.on is to be squared off to zmprave control <br />of tra�iic. �ao accQss drives to th,e open area west of Snelling and north of the Soo <br />Line overpass �rould be e�.osec�. This acti.on was approva3. af only a portion of the averalX <br />plan. <br />2. �h.e proposal far improvement of County Road E, from 5nell��ng to Lexingtan wes given <br />unanimous Einal appxoval. <br />3. The Sao Lzne Raiiroad has propased extension of a sp�r line �hrough. the i.ndustrial �ark <br />north of lted I'px Road in order to serve industry �.n area, The proposal was re- <br />ferred to the Village A�toxney for rev�ew. <br />�. Bicis are to be let �or extensipn o�' sewer west along County P�oad F, from Fernwood to <br />I-ismJ.ine Avenue i.n order to sexvfce the Ar�hur Hage Conskruction Cc�mpany office buatl.dirtg <br />site. <br />5. T�e 1ow bid for construction of the Vi3.lage EIa?]. extension and the Ma�ntenance Depart- <br />ment Building �vas $75,7�+7.00. Council acc�pted tne bid fram �l� V�.ew Construction Com- <br />pany o� Minneapolis. <br />i'LAI�NING COMMIS5i4N MEETING - Februar 2 1971 <br />-�--PUBLIC Yi�ARING on Tuesday, March 2, 197�, at 5:00 p,m, at ehe Vi�.lage Hall regarding <br />Case No. 70�49 for a Specia� Use Permit request far the addition ofr 210 1o�s to the <br />existing mabi3.e �.ome court, consrrucCion of overnigh� camping facili.ties, and a model <br />mabi.le homes area. <br />-��-Pi3BLIC H�ARIIVG on Tuesclay, March 2, 1971, at $:00 p,m. at �he ViLlage Hall regarding <br />Case Nq. 20-34, Preliminary Plat-Bussard Addition. <br />MEM�E�SHIP iZEPOItT �`RE}M JAN�T MOaRE <br />As oesr membership reaches 400 in the Arden Associatian � wauld like to �han�C a11 the <br />area capta�.ns and block worke�s for �hei.r good work--fn spite of the co3.d weathex. We <br />stiJ.3. have a f�:w block warkers tt�at hav�n't compieted their blocks, but as soon as �hey <br />report in we wi11 be able to award tlze two dinners to the block worker bringing in the <br />most membe�ships. <br />Anyone interes�ed in becoming a member pf �he Ard�n Association who has not been con- <br />�acted by an area cagtain nr b�.ock worker may ca11 Janet Moare, 35i6 Sie�ms Court, <br />b33-z�570. <br />Officers oi the Arden Asaociatian are as fo�.laws: <br />Cv-Chairmen ......................ituth and Don Ttoach <br />5ec�e�ary ........................Niary Lou Sctur�idt <br />Treasurer ........................Forres� gea� <br />rYembersh�p Chaixman ..............Janet Maore <br />� <br />