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• _Z '-- <br />EC Vi�.LAG� COifl�CIL MEETING - M� -3 297�. <br />� <br />1. �rimary purgase af this meeti�ag was t�e reedi�tg and public hearing of the :�roposed Ordi- <br />nance Re lati t�e Y.ocation of Mobile Homes aad Estab��shin Sta�dards and���Rules o� <br />cussion, w�ich i�cluded several objectiaps to portior►s of <br />quested Mr. and Mxa. Adarps, owners of A�aen Manor Mahiie <br />of the"part� of tha ordfnance they would like to have the <br />ffnal dra£t fs grepa�ed. . <br />. <br />ies �or,°Violatfon. After dis- , <br />�he or�inance�.�e Council re- <br />HQme Court, ta s'�f�it a`tgbulatian <br />�Cour�cil reconsidez bef.ore a <br />ViLIAGL� COUNCIL MEFTING..-., ,M�X 1D �.. 1971 „ <br />1. Mr. John Daubney appeared b�fore the Cot�acil to adv�se that he and Mr. Ro�berts, develapers <br />of the Iadustrisl, J?ark, are havi�g the streets fn t�i� Park repaired and brought up to <br />Village etandaxds. : Sorings sre being taken ts� demonstrate thet they meet the nine-ton_ <br />standards. Wt�en Gray Fox Road aad �un�ap Street are a�ceptable they w�11 be deeded to <br />the Village .anc# �iLI. becaaQe Village streets. <br />Z. A..�easibility repor� on extensian uf municipai water to Flor�l Arive was made by the <br />Vi�lage �ngineer, EStimaCes were made in three parts as follows: <br />A. Ha�line and County Road i� to �'�oral Drive and the Ci.rc�es " <br />� �LTut t �ng � � � � � � e � � � � � • • • • � a �.� � � � � � � � • • • • M • a • • • • • • . � e • • • • • • a • r • y �V �.�LD • �V <br />B. Hamiine Ave. Co 1500 feeC �o�Ch of Fgoral Drive .............. 42•�f�OD.04 <br />G. A trunk t�ain ftatn P'ernwaad to Ham�.iue ........................ 30�9U0,00 <br />Tt�e �eport raas aaaepted aa pre8ented �nd the Engineex was xeque�ted to prepare speci- <br />ficstio�$ for parts A and B anly. As re�soste� above, the public hearing oa this improve- <br />tnes�t is sc�iedaled for May 24. <br />3, The. Council waived a second xeadtng ana appraved the ordinance "Regulatin� Gonstruction, <br />Placemeat aad era ion of Private� Owned 5wi�ia P�ols it� Arden" � <br />4. A�esolutioa w�s adopted by the Council that wili a11ow the Vi�lage to take actian to re- <br />move Osk W�,1t diseased trees and asaess properCy owaers �o�r the costg.. ' -, <br />5. The ardiaa�nce Review C�mmittee hes rece�ended amendments ta the Villa�e Dot� Ordinance. <br />The ordim�nce and amendments weire referred to tite Flann�ng Co�eissioa far study and <br />xecom�ueada tio� . <br />6. The Caunc�l re�e�ved a s�atement`irom Mrs. J. Adams regarciing the Mc>bile Hom�e Qrdinance <br />and ref�rred it to the Flanniug Cc�issian for consideration and recammeadatioa. <br />CLA,GUE ANA DUC�IOW WII�RS iN TU�Si7AY' S SCHOQL BQARD Ei�CTION <br />Riehard Clague, wha re�idea aL 1576.N.�i..21st Ave., New Brightan, �nd Wayne Duchow, of <br />3(}75 N. Wi,].der, Rosevi�l�. un�eated inc�nnhe�ats t�ry E11en McP'axlead and Carl St,re�snn in <br />Che i3�ay 1$�h Mouads Yie� Schoo]� Bosrd E�ect�on. New Board members will otf�,c�a11y take <br />affice at tk�e firat �egular meeting i�► Ju].q. <br />SCHOOL BOARD I�WS <br />1, A vubZic meet�n�t l�s bee� schedu3.ed for 7:U0 P.M., Tuesday, May Z5, at �hview_Junior_High <br />Sc____hool,- 2300 itn St., 1�.W., New Bri.ghtan, to fnform ttce puhlic of the preaent status of <br />teecher's negotiations. The meeting wi�l take the foxm of a aymposiu� with representstives <br />o# the Schctol B4aaCd: and af IlVEA p�esenti,ng their respective views . � <br />Z. Ti�e Minnesata Civ��_L�ber ie�_i��oa a�aunced las.t week that it is fiiing suit against the <br />l�ounde View• Schaol Dfatrict it� behalf af La�Ce: ,�ohsnt�a Eierae�taxy Sc�iaoi, first grade teacher, <br />.�aaet C�e�fch, wh� was terminated ot� Apri1 8, e�nder th+e cu�rent maternity policy. <br />Tk�e ,Board sefua�d �a re�ss�ate� M�s. Guelich beca�ae the pr�s�nt mate�rnity poiicy was pa:rt of <br />tlne teacher'� ne�otiatiaas.agxee�ent las� year. It re�saned that a aew �ater�ity policy <br />should be part of currextt negotistions aad agreed �pon by the Ceachers before changes in i, <br />a�re made. , <br />An �;X�,Q�v. Gea�ra�l_'s rulins� has heen called for and the ouCco�e undoubtQdly will influence <br />other. axea districts also. <br />