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Town Crier No.56
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1971
Town Crier No.56
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-2- <br />ViLi,AGE COtJNGI3. ME�TI:iG _-_ riay _24, ,1g7I ,- conti:riued <br />5. ThE Planning Coa�missz.on has recommended Chat the �'ouncil rezone the land annexe� from New <br />Bri�htan as propose� at the public [�eaxing of May 4. The western partipn woul�i be zoned;-T-;1 <br />(limfted industry) and the �astern partion R-1 (residentia 1}, The Council approved the <br />reco�endation anu autharized ACta�ney Courtney to prepare an oruinance adop�ing the re- <br />zoning an� describ�.ng t�ie two areas. <br />6. The Planning Commissian reconune�ded adoption af the 197i eu�tion of the Unifarm Buildin� <br />Cade to repZace the 3.9C4 version presenkly in force._ The �97(1 Cade saill remain in farce <br />until the statewiae cade, agp�roved by t�e 5tate Legis�.a�u�e, becomes effective .7anuary I, <br />�972. <br />7. �he Cauncii approved t�e senaing o£ �i�e-cfay r�otices to owners of property with•trees <br />infected wi�h Dak Wilt. �t was nated thaC two �,rogerties are affecCecl. <br />8. A resolution was appraved declaxing i.ot 1.G, B�ocic 5 ta be non-conservation land and <br />authorizing Attarney Courkney to proceed to acquire the tax forfeited land for the Village. <br />The iana is to remain as �FO�SC'T3 space," as reco�nended by the Parks and Recreation <br />Ca�ittee . <br />9. Public Works Union ��9 Em��.oyee Wa�e Iiates �or i971 <br />T�e�eouncii reviewed the 197k wage rate progasal for i'ublic Workd f3nion 49 employees and <br />approve�i a$60 per month wage increase retroactive to January 1, 1471. The new rates for. <br />�.hzee cateaories of work are as follows: <br />_ Cat�g,nry ].97U rateJhr. 1371 rate/hr. <br />Li.ght equipnie�at $4.09 $4.44 <br />Sewer and water $4.21 $4.Sb <br />Hea�ry equi.pment $4.�+9 $4.8�� <br />A I972 increase of $50.�0 per r�onth ar a cost of l�.vin� increase, whichever i.s greater, <br />was also approved. ' <br />VIILAGE COUNCi�, 3�F�ETiNG - June �4 i971 <br />1, The Mobile Home Court E}x'dinance was agproved in its ame�tded form of 6/1/7?�, as recarnn�encted <br />by the P2anning Commission, and gzven i�s-secarid reasfing. <br />2. �he Planning Ca�nmiss;Lon recc�nune�ded disapprova], of the praposed street li htin lan fox <br />Fi8 �ights to he installed as an "intersection iight p�.a:�." Keason far t�e recomr,►endatian <br />was the controvers%al survey results and u�ap of the pian. Several pexsons noted khat the <br />sur�ey did not accurately report the feelings and statemeats csf those surveyed. The plan <br />' W85 tabJ.ed by the Coun�il. iiowever, sDecial requests by__ re_sidents £or street l.i�hti��� <br />wi11 be consiciereci individual�.y in the future. <br />3. Rezon�,ng and special use permit reques�s by Arden Hil1.s 5portsmer�'s Club_�Case No. 71-10) <br />fox the purpose of building a clubhouse on property on the North sicie of Lake 3ohanna <br />Blvd. and East of Tony Sclzm�.dt Park was kab�.ed 6y the Council for up to 6U days. <br />�►o Cauncilman Henderson xeported on a meeting with Nothern States Power GomQany represenCa» <br />tives that was held beca�se of tine resolu�.i.o�s,.passed by several v€llages, objectiing <br />to Che announced �% electrical rate increase. N.S,P. agreed to the apppintment of a <br />steering cammittee tia study tne rate proposai and agreed.�o consider suggestions hased <br />on such a s�udy. <br />5. A petition from residents was presented requesCing the permanent dead-endin� o€ the <br />5nellin Ave. service raad wh�.ch runs from Arden Place to County Rd. E. The proposed <br />dead�-end would be at the County Rd. E end. After ciscussion, tkte request was referred <br />to the Public Works Coirunittee for study. <br />6. Sev�ral inquiries have been.received regarding the I.ega�ity of depositing lea�es and <br />grass clippings on private property if the praperty owner has given permissian to do so, <br />Attorney Courtney's o.pinion was that if permission from owner is abtained and �f the <br />dumping is not of. "2anci-fil..l" propoftions�Village Ordi.nances .do not prohit�it such <br />dumping., . _ _ <br />
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