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ti. <br />_,�...-' �: <br />� xW <br />i • <br />VILLAGE COIJ't�ICIL_ MEETING_ _ JULY 26 (continueci) <br />S, Fina�_pla__ns for Perry Par�C are now heing ahaped up and will be available for consider- <br />ation at the A�sgust 9 meeting. <br />0 <br />6. It was announced that the ex�anded Vi.11a�e Office Buildint� was ready for occ�pa.ncy. <br />{Moving day was Ju1y Z8.} Village maintenance employees and otf-duty policemen were <br />used fio move furnituxe and equipment instead of hiring profession�l movers. (Ali Arden <br />Asaociation members shauld make a point af attending a Council or of otherwise <br />visi�ting-the Village Municipal Buildings in the near iuture. A wonderful change has <br />heen wrought...Dick.Bartsch.) <br />7, The Village EngiQeer pYesented a tabularion of bids,for stYeet utaintenance and added <br />parkin�_space and driveway at the V11ia�e Public Works Buildint�. The three <br />bidders were Ashbach Constructian, Schifsky & Sons, and �itum�nous Roadways. A�hbach <br />Constructio� was the low bidder hy a�argin of $4,OOQ on the collection ot projects. <br />The bids were reierred to the Fublic Woxks ComQnittee for study and recommendation. <br />.VILi�1GE ,COS]f►�C�L MEETING - AUGUST 9, 1971 <br />1. xhe En�ineer's feasibility re�ort for Che road ixaprovement saught by Minneagolis Hide <br />and Ta11ow Ca. w�as reViewed by the Council, but since the appZicant was not.represented <br />Che matter was tabled unti.l the next <br />2. The .Arden Hi,1�s Spprtarnans Ciub h�s requested of the Counci.l that action on its xequest <br />for s ecial use ermit and rezaning (Case No. 71-IQ) be delayed. T�e matter was ta}�led. <br />3. Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Arden Manor Mobile Hame Court and Mr. Jim Hiil, Vice Presideat of <br />Pemtom, presented a develo�nent vlan for a 200 unit "movilla" expan�sioa o� the mobile <br />home caurt in xhe pattexn o� ]Pemtam's Cimarran r�ro�ecx. The proposed cx�ansiox� wnuld <br />be on 4D acres of land to the south of the present mobile home cpurt and bounded by <br />Hi�hways �35W, �kIO. and �96. After lengthy discussion the Council a roved tihe conce t <br />of the plans, in principle, aetailed p�.ans must be p�esented,as the project pxagresses, <br />in avmpliance with Viliage ordingnces. <br />4. The Puhlic Works Cammnittee recomnnended and the Cauncil a xoved the low b�.d of A�hbach <br />Gonstiruction Co. for $56,229 for repair and sesl coating a� several i�illage streets and <br />for blacktop driveway and paxking axes at the new Pubtic Works 8uiiding. <br />5. The Council decided not to extend a watermain fram Count Ttoad � north aloa Old Hi hwa 10 <br />to serve t�e two homesites pxesently there.until a greater presented. <br />b. �t��LS�#,f;si_QL�tna for Char�,es Pe�ry �'ark were presented and discussed at lengti�. Com- <br />pletion�o€ the southerz� one�ha].� of the Paric and the road, th� Park building, and field <br />lighting is contemplated fos this year. It is feXt that the northexn one-half must have <br />ampla time to setCle and stabilize before final grading. A Couacfl resoltxtfon ta com-. <br />�le�e the Park was_ap�xoved and bi.ds w�re to be salicited. Bids �ri11 be opeaed Au�ust 2�0 <br />and the contract wi�l iuclude 2 ba1T fields a football soccer �i��a on� hocke rinlc <br />w�th li htin � stora e warmin house and an access xoad to be completec� this fa11. <br />VILIAGE _PLAI�IN�NG C(�4Ix9SI0�i••i�ETING - AIIGUST 3, 19i1 <br />----�ield a Public fl�arinu regarding �he expansion af the Arcien Manvr Hame Paxk located on <br />the Northwest cor�ner af Hf:ghways 10 aad 96. The Planning Commiss�on recommended <br />approva], o� the 40-acre expaasioa �a provide 180 unita.and 20 lots for open ox recreati.on <br />areas. Reco�ended spproval was subject to the apinion of the Village Attorney. <br />"""Scheduled a PUBi,iC H�ARING foX Au ust 2�+ 1971 at 8:00 .m. at the Arde❑ H31�s Vi.11age <br />_, <br />