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=z- <br />4. ,�e Public SafQ�v Cou�ittee ia �l�anin��a ;�ire,��ew,,�olice _officer bv Apri1 1. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION ME,ET,ING - FebruarX, 1�„ 1972 <br />R�porter - Bob Sraith <br />1. Psua-Tom - C�se No. 72-1 - The publ:Lc was held on the Pe�n-tam t�roposal �or r,eaiden- <br />tial development at Haml�,ne_�nd_H�,ghway_96. Mr. Jim Hill presented drawinga of four madel <br />homes s�nilar to those proposed foz the area. In responae to questioning it was indicat�d <br />tt�at proposed s�ie �ricea ou the hoates wonld s[arC at $30,000; th�tt an easemtnt runninst <br />para�lnl with Hamliae Ave. wQuld be bermad and plant�d; t�.at all the uro���ed_ho�ctt w�uld <br />be built �or sale aAd not held far re►tta�; �nd that all xoad� in the eubclfvision would <br />be dedicated to the Villa � for uhlic use. The drainsg� factor was discuagad, siace the <br />drafnage would be to thn Sou�hwe�t, and wras referred to the Village Engineer for hig <br />opittio�t ar�d to the Village Attorney shauld there be a lega], queatio�a iavolved. The �xo„� <br />posal conceris 70 acrea, wit�i a portion nxcluded �or park purpoeda. I� r�as pxopoeed <br />that�;thexe would bc 156 ham�s sited w�,th aver� e lot s�,ze a rox at a 2 700 s uare £eet. <br />Foilowing tk�e public hcaring the P�anniag Co�isaion made a recommendation Co the Couacil <br />which iacluded a request fox an fr�m th� Village Attioraey af ths aurfac� wat�r <br />�n-off :ud on the neec� t� rezene froea R-1 to R 2�a arder ta perni,t th� develop�eit a� <br />pzesaated. The Village Engimeer was asked to atte�d the k'ebruary 24 ma�ti�g tn discuss <br />hia report aad Co aaswer va�r�.ous questio�as conceraait�g the developaen.t. Recosa�aendatioaa <br />o� the Parke a�d RecreaCiea Committ�e were requestad on the park i�nd prapoeal. �'ub�.ic <br />Works Co�ma�ttee reco�es�datio�s will be sought with reference to the proposed roida and <br />eaaeutent� . <br />2. Batl�el Colle�rc Sareice Raad - Case l�o. 72-5 - A relephone conversition with Mr. Paul Dre�kc <br />o� Bethel CQI,Ie�e.was xeported, iudicating t�at o� the a],ternatives ava��.able BeLhe�_nre- <br />ferred arranr�in� � s,�cond access from OLd Hi�xhwa� 1fJ at the North End of Valentine i�ke. <br />Thi.s access to be consi.dered wheh the acceas frum Highwray 51 is closed. The residents <br />present and the Commissioa memhers agreed with �h3,s �pproach but �o formal a�ction was <br />taken. <br />3. Indoor Tennis, Inc. - PreYiminsrY,D$scu8sion - Mr. D. Corrigan, President of Indoor Tennia. <br />�nc., presented slides and drawings of a new facil�tv to be located acroas the street <br />from Cor�trol Data on Fernwoad Ave., Nor�h. �he proposal inc�uded b outdoor and 4 indonr <br />CCAA�S courts a s uash court ha�dball court aa iadoor and outdoor swimmiin ol a <br />sauna, aad addtior�al iock�r room and accessary facilities. For this us� an amendn�nt <br />to the Zoniag Ordinance would be requixed. After discussion the Co�n�asion recommended <br />the 2oning �rdivance be ame�ded to permit the use in the L-I Zoae under a Special Use <br />iis�ing. A p���,�c heazins� to considcr the amendme�t was schedu�.ed for �'�bruary 24. <br />4, Othex Busingea - Tam HO�'tY was appointed Vice Chairmaa of th� Planniast Cam��ssioa �ar 197Z. <br />.T Win ert was a oi�ted as the Plamr�in Co�nission's re resentative on a cou� ttee to <br />studv_the_Subdivisio� Ordi�ance vrovisiona cancerni�g ne�a developmenta" dedication re- <br />quir�m�nts. <br />SCHOOL BOARD 1VEWS -,.Taauary 31�„ i972 (postponed Erom JanuaFy 24) Reporter - Shirley Wiage�t <br />---�lpproved retroatctive, �ayment of st�ff aalary iacreasea frozea during Phase I. <br />---Ackrtowledged t�►e many h�sura gf work contribuCed by thc Citiz�ns Advisory Co�mittee o� <br />Building aad Fa�cil.itizs Nneds ae nvides�ced by its report, "Ci3allen$e, Co�itment, CttanAe. <br />Since i.t ha� cc�aplet�d its wor�C, the Com�uittee hss been dissolv�d. <br />»--A�rarded taachers' li�e insurance bid to Manuiacturer's Life Insurance. It pravide� for <br />t�e p�rchase of $2�,000 life insurance and $20,000 acaident,. death a�d dismemherment in- <br />surasce for each teacher �t a rate af $O.I477 per thouaand. <br />---Heard a repoxt on the fesaibility of vsing the W�J.sax� site as a Schooi Fos��1t�. � T-he <br />m <br />; _._ > <br />