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Town Crier No.66
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1972
Town Crier No.66
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-2- <br />SCHOOL BOARD: MEETING - Apri;l ,1Q,�. ].972 <br />. <br />--Heard reports on the District's involvement in the areas o£ s ecial educatioxs artfcul�rl <br />with trainable retarded u ils and vocational, edvca�ion, and th� coordination with the � <br />Va-Tech 9].6 School Dis�rict in se�cving their needs through the�.r programs.- <br />--Discussed t$e ossible need fox a District olic concernin student ri h[s in �e ard to � <br />1en th and st la of hair and directed tihe administration to study the.mattez further. <br />--The School Cal�endar is still under consi,deration and �arents tzavin� preferences,,�particularlv <br />w:Eth re 2trd to whather the st�rtin date of classes shouJ.d be b�fare ar after i.sbor Da <br />sttould ca1Z �he Dis�rict Office a� 636-3b50. <br />-w5chaol Baard �'iiinQs clase Apr�l 25 for the May 16 e�.ec��.an. Those wtzo have filed at the <br />time this Crier went to press are: <br />Aonovan Wendt (Incutnbent) <br />Carl Swenson <br />Davi.d Mabey <br />John Haugo <br />M�NTALLY REiA.RDED CHIi,p12.EN' S AAY CAMPING PROGRAM <br />Thi.s program is sponsored by the St. Pau�, Association far Retarded Ch�.ldren;` Inc. T�e Rose- <br />v�lle Aay Camp will be he3.d in Cen�ral Par1k, RvsevilJ.e, ,7une 2b-August 4. I� you have a <br />retarded ch�].d or know o.f parents wha do please inforni them af this program. <br />A� camp a ratio o£ one or �wo campers per co�nselor is maintained. Counseiors are jun:Cor <br />and senior higtz schooI. students (over the age of 13) who wan�. to wark with the retarded. <br />Their patience, imagination and dedi.cation o� time and love makes tor the "backbone" of <br />the grogram. Ttiere is also a need for volunteer counseJ.ors, also junioz and senior high <br />echool students aver the age of �.3. For further info�ation abaut this program cantact <br />Bob Wanner, SPARC affice, 22G�-3301 <br />VT�,I.AGE _COt1NCIL MEETING _,_, Maxch 27 , 1R72 <br />Reporter - Charlie Crichtor <br />1.. �he Parlcs_and_Recreatian Committee is: seekin� a working,suAerv�sor responsible diractly <br />to the Committee �or parks and recrea�ion work. �T <br />2. The Midwestern Relay Company requestie� permission to erect a 300 foot mi.crowave <br />tower near Lexington:Ave, and I-694.was referred to the Planning Commission. <br />3: As of this meet�ng tihexe.wsXe 11� delinquent �tility �ccounts represenCing a.lmost <br />$10,00Q. <br />4. �ffeetive Apri1 1 Gar Wilzbacher has been a ai.nted to the Axden Hi1Zs Police Force as <br />as patrolman trainee. Federa�.�ua�ching �unds are being used for one year training, <br />S. Co�ercial sewer charges for 1971 and 1972 wi1� be based on fourth c�uartez 1471 water <br />usage. Appropriate cxedits or additf.onal billings have now been made ta the �.971. es-- <br />timated bil.lings. . <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL I�EE3'ING - Apr,il ,19,�, I.972 <br />1. Counc l, re nested tha� thc Caunt "dead end" Dld Sne7.lin Av�nue at its intersection with <br />Highway 5i. It also requested that ti�e State I�ighway Depaxtment defer its plan Eor szg- <br />nalxzing the inCersec.tian and reduce t�e speed 1.imi'� on Highway 51 to SO P�iPH. <br />Z. The Vi�.lage Engineer presented a study which showed that it would cost approxi.�ate�y <br />$250,d00 to pzovide water service along Highway 96 froin Hamline A�;e, to z-35 (incluciing <br />Laice Shore Place) and Hi.ghway 1Q �rom Highway 9b to the railroad. Since only one szde <br />of most of the proposed Iine wou�d be assessable, the apparent charge per front foot <br />appeared excessive and �he Engineer was asked ta restudy, possibly including more area <br />in the praject. <br />3. A S Use Perniit and a Li. uor Li.cense (the Village's last one) were appxoved ior <br />
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