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_�� <br />Cass No. 71-43 - Areyfuss Interstatc Developan�nt Corpor�tion Request fpr Special Use Per- <br />mit fqr thr Constr�ctian �£ a P1�nn�d [irii� Dcvelopment. <br />Representatives of Dreyfuss dmscribed the proposai for the Planne'd Unit Devclopment to in- <br />,?:lude � Ptzzse I of 69 un$,ts to be campieted ia 3une of 1973; a Phstse II of 48 units to be <br />::ompletcd in M�rch of 1,974; a P}xase IiI o� 45 units Lo be camp}.e�ed in Decembar of 1974; <br />and a Ph�se TV of 4$ units to be compl�ted in Sep�etnber of 1975. �here would be x tot�� <br />of 210 town�ause un��s on 33 �cxes, s� 6.4 �er-acrs density. <br />Thcre is a pxoposed apartment g�;e$ vn tih� northwest corner of the site consfsting of 84 <br />uni�s with a per-acra d�nsity of 1Q.5. Thc plan calls for t�ese apstxt�ents to blend <br />�xchitecturally w�th �he towt�hauses and �iso with thc pxaposed cor�n�rcia� are�. <br />F�,nzncing wa�ld be priv�te, itaads woulci �lso be �riv�te. It w�ts pointed out by Mr. <br />Bear of the Park and Recre�tion Gouanittee that the projest does not mect the guidelines <br />of th� F�xk C��,ttee. A I3seyfuss represantative es��GnaCed �h�r� w�uld be 32 to 33 <br />�hfidrEn in ��tc �partments �nd � total of Y43 children fn the en�ire campltx, Furthex <br />d3scussian of �hc groposal by t�he Cosnmissian was �zb�.ed until the speci�l Plaaaing <br />Crnmnission mecting of Tucsday, ,Tun� 20. <br />V�rianca Repuests for the follow�.n$ cases was recv�endcd: Case No. 72-25 - Dimension <br />Bui.J.dexs, Case No. 72-26 - Howard VandcrWyst, C�se No, 72-8 - Jokzn Y�i�gen, and Case i3o. <br />72-29 - Rabert W. Fz1k. <br />Cast No. 72-27 - Colua�bi� Tr�nsit Corporatipn Request far Gr�dfng PErmit - Acco�ding to <br />zn opinxon f�ram the Viil�ge Attorne}r Lhis nonconforming �se �annot be expandtd w�thout s� <br />rezoning from R-� to Irl. Thc Columbia Trans�,t repre�sents� w�s rtquest�d to cont�ct <br />thc Viliagc Attorney. <br />Cssc No. 72-16 - Ingerson Park Pl�ns - The P1��ning Cammission vcrffied for the Counc�l <br />thzt the prtvious recammendation of p�an approval was based on Fina1 Construction Pians <br />'�nd Hor�.icultural Plans. <br />Case No. 72-11 - Indoar Tex�n�s Curling Building Plans. - Cot��lcte building p�an�, in- <br />cluding mechanical and electric�l �s zmended, were �resented for approv�]., Changes in- <br />cluded � stec�. rath�r tttan a prestressed concrcte roof arcd a slightly �3.tered floor <br />plzn, After z�dvising that the m�.chanical equipment an thc roof snust b� architecturally <br />screened, the am�nd�d plans were reco�nended £or Councfl approv�l. <br />C�se N�. 72-30 - Willia�n Feyereise� lteyuGst for Lot Split was recammended for approval. <br />Preliminary Discussians: <br />1. Board of �oreir�n Miss#.Qns Ba�tist G�nGra1 Confcreace <br />— - —� — . a. . ��. � _ ._,_. <br />There was preliminary discnssion conCerniag a proposed 6 tanit apar trnent or a twa <br />double bung�low unft to hous�. mis�ianaries whi2e on ont-ycar furlough, to be locatcd <br />on County Road E-2. GGneral discussion indic��ed that apartmcnts would not be con- <br />si.dered desirable but th�t double bUngalows migt�t be compatible but that these buildings <br />wo�ld bt more comp�Cible on the BetheZ Ca:npus itsel.f. <br />2. p�mtorc Inc. - Townitous� Pro sal <br />A preiiminary plar� for townhausas west af Hamline Ave� a;nd south of Highway 9Fs was <br />presented by � Pem�om rapresentative. Further action was s�t over to the .iune 20tih <br />meetfng. <br />3. Czse No, 7i-34 - Littit Crow Addition <br />An extension of time was granted far submission vf final plans on this addition. <br />