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- � _ <br />2. Landscape_Plans. Por the Viil�.ga H�tli �nd Public '�arke $uildit�. Z°he co�mieaiort <br />reco�ended pl�n changss inc�.uding mzaTarg�.ng the parking lot, insta�ling psx�rnanenL <br />curb9, provi.din� for perpandicu}.�r p�rking, a w�dsr anoes-over, as wall �.m provieione <br />for..�igns �.nd a ma.ilbox, and sgending maniee Piret an aurfAaing and striping ths ; <br />parldng areas, a.nd d�2ayixkg pian�ir�g tantil the nsxt plAnting season, <br />3. Calumbi� TrBnsit�s Rezonix�g and 4r�ding Applica.t3nna. The Gbmmi�sion reco�endmd <br />that the Counail deny the re-�aning reque�� and aleo dany tha grading permit re�usat <br />�#. <br />7• <br />5. <br />7. <br />8. <br />and r,equire that the hill be re�planted to resto�°e ita aethetic s. <br />— � ---A-,. -.-y .._...----,•— --�„�r� Appl�Cation. Draina�e <br />Minn�sota Pollutian_Con'�ral A enc ,and Control Dmt�, Dra.i _ <br />�roposAl refarrad to ths VilAage.Enginaar Por ilia POppI`t. <br />Howard Hsas Varianae Requeat. In conourrence with the Appaale Board �pprov4l oi' the <br />requae#,ed varie �. � . � ���- •-- <br />naa was reaommend�d. <br />�'tidweat �telay CompanY Lot Sp�i� A�,provsi, Aiter res�ie+xing tha planaera report the <br />Commission rscorninanded �.pprcrral of the requested i�nd divieio�a. <br />Bethel Co11eRe ,Landsc�.�e Plan. t4ppraeal wae recoanmendsd of �he au�itted p�,an subjec� <br />to the e.ddition of plantings on the eest eida of �tkis bu�.ldin� mase and the fi�in�; af <br />a performance Bond. <br />�obsrts ProperLies_ Buildin� termit Rec�uest. fihe iasuance of the build�ng permit for <br />�n �ddit3�on to tia� Imprese3ar�� $uildin� et 12D9 W. Oount�r Rd. E. xaa recommsnded in <br />accardance with the plan rrith a S� foot char�e. <br />9. Housin� Poliaye plannar �ae authori2ed to proceed with the Shart Ranga Planning <br />Program no� ta excaed $2��0 on a ccst-plue basie. <br />10. Davelopm�nt_�uida�ines Parka and R�creation Cammittee. Re guidelin�e fb r open <br />and developed recre�tion area� for housing projeat, devalapars, it wae generally <br />a�;reed that �hs pre�snt ardfnaace requirements are inedequ�'te rs land dedic�tian <br />and/ar cash payment to the Village, Vi].Iege At#,orn�y ta rev�ew ardinsncee and g�ve <br />e. written report to the Commiaeion. <br />VTLLA(�� Cq€3NCIi� M�ETT_N� - 3aptamber 11. <br />�. <br />2. <br />- �� <br />Reporter - Gharlie Orichton <br />�To repart �'rom the V�.Ilage Attorney on whether an ordinance violation was com�titted <br />by Bethel in aonnec�tion �ti�h t,heir �xcavation on o�d Tiighway Z�. <br />Since the �reyf'us Carporation now aeema,ta be in agraement with the Vilia�s �n�insar <br />and Pl�nner ae well �a tne Parka �nd Rsareatior� Ca�nittee, � new PiIALIC H�ARI:�(} an <br />�he DrePua groject has been saheduled with the Plenni�g Qou�i�eian on Octo�er 3 <br />at $ P:�i at ths Vi1].a�� Hali. <br />Approval of the Femtom pro�ec't h�e been deferred for several msntingg pending ra- <br />so].utian of a potenti�l drainage problem through the :�culung prqperty. A apeciaL <br /> �ill i�e held wi�h �the Vil�aga At�arney, Engin�ar, Pemto� and the Mc�lungs <br />to finalize a propo�ai by Psmtom involving a pcnding_,aree� and in�talltian ot' a <br />30 inch culvert und��° Snelling. <br />4. An ordinance to fncrease the ealariee of' the Mayor and th� Faur CounciLnen <br />"introduced by title". (Voting wiil �ake plaQe �t a sub�equent mee�3ng.) <br />�.. A rezoning applic�.tian frvm Ool�b3a Tranait �to eneble bui].ding a eecond <br />barn) waa deferred unti.l the naxt me�ting. <br />6. �'17e x ublic 5afsty �epart,man� was author�.zad �to take ov�r ths old villa�e <br />s�ora�e bu� (an New .Brightorz Roe.d) .�'ar uee ae a teen aen�ter.. <br />was <br />bus <br />