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VTLTaAC� COTJ�+ICIL , I1�G �����e�i�er 2 j{Coaxt�ued) <br />�'a�e 2 <br />2, �lthou�h �k�e Cou�aa�.�. �.� ca���.der�.xx� �. aa�nreh�z�a��e z°�vi�w of th� ❑il3a�e P1an <br />(wi�h sssoc�at�d ��d�x�az��� c%���) du��� �.�}"i�, the V�.�1age �ttorrze�r wa�a <br />d�.rec�e�d ta �re�aex°e ��t�r�n ��z���� �cs �he hons�.� ox�din�nce� (98 az� 99� to <br />s��a.ninate kno� ccanf7.�.c�� �� �de��i�'ied b� Co�ci1 members, the P�.anx���g Cc,m- <br />��.�sion, �h� �'�r�Ca ��d R�cr�t�.�n Caznz�itt�� �� �tse Valla�a P�.snn�ng Con�u].�amt . <br />3. A specis�. u�� p��a�it an�d t�he prel3�minary plan� ior the Pem�am develo�ffient wrere <br />sp�roveci afts� tk�� dr�i��� p�o��.e� c�a �g��r�ntly reaolved. <br />Q. The Counail a��in dec�.insd �a �re�on� tP�� �a��eb�a Tren�it pro��ty (�cros� �resm <br />Mounds•xie�r Hi�hsc��al) to p�z}rr�t e��n.cie�3 �Sarking and a; sacoaxi in�s �ui3di.n�. <br />A�.t�zaug� �Q�t s�e��c� �Q ��e� ara �i�e nseds �n e�rde�r �o properly serve the <br />D�str�c�. (a2�. �ck�ool.s� �her� appea��d �G� be na �g �a perm�� �.t withau� rezan3n�, <br />�hu� an�n�ag ��� pa�si'�i].�L��r �kx�t ths �,rope�r�p wr�uld s�xbsequeart3g �e put td <br />Qther inciustz��,�l u�e. Th� ��aio�.�;� �s r����°�d to th� Vil�.a�� kt�or�aep for <br />r�ao�end�tion�. <br />�. A ae��ry �ncrc�s� �or the Cou�acil me��sers �ras approved' effectiv� J�nu�ry �.. <br />(l�ayaz�'s �a�ar�r wouid �nare��� ��m �90 tm �175 p��' mon�h; Cov��il�enPs <br />s,�laries fz�cm �7� ya �125 y�e� max�t�a� ) <br />6. '�he Ca�zz►�il ��°��d �c� �on��u� �ar�t�.cipati.on in tkle Ya�a�h �erni.c� Buresu, �nd <br />appraved pe�ment of ��,25� a� the Ardea� Hill� �ba�°s af expen�e�a The �ia�th <br />Subvrban nay ,�oti��ty Ceaz�er areqs�s� foa� �3�2 �� �1�� appra�edo <br />7. B�ds wi��. be r�ques��d �c� b� � ha13f-»ton p�e�np t�sae�C ar,�l � l0,aQ4���lla� <br />ges� 9tora�e tank �ax� �t�3��.� �Far&�, an� �; �aq�ci ��r �or t�e �ali�� Dept, <br />PE�NNiidG COME�IIiSSTON NL�'�fiIN(a Oc�aber 3 <br />�e�o�a��-Bab �mith <br />i. Pui�'ic r I3�� s�. D C <br />�-S � iU Pe.. � �c��o P Li D s� C <br />No. i�-G3. �� 'tkze �ub��.c heaa �za� �e�ex°�3 rEp�e��n��tiv�� oY Dre�rfus Coz�p. <br />out7.ined �he proposed fleve�c�pment aa�d �1�a c},x�x�e� �ad� to �neet the o�,�ection <br />of the Pl.sxan�.n� Con�aission ��d ��s�d�n�s a� �he arsa j inclu��g r�uc�ion of <br />dens�ty, the �daiti�� of ;��z°��i� acr�er�ng ar� ber� ma�er�ls, gax�l� ar�nges <br />and ch�nges requ�rec� ��h� Vi.�,la�e P�ngix�e�r. <br />The dene�.t� �ras .: educ�d -�a �.�8 un3t� per acx�, and a s�r��cr� are� �ro�ld be <br />dedicated to tl�� Vi��Ia�e foz� public recreat#.on �s�e �nd would have direct aecse� <br />ta Lexingtota ,�ver.u� � <br />The Traff3c E�ginee: �,�eaen� for �r�yfus Caz�e indiaatsd e� �ppraximate 14� <br />iacre��e �.xz az�ea �aa���e d��=��Q��d b�r �h� p�c�����. �lso, p�atogr�phs af �h� <br />proposed 3-pie� and 6., buildin�s were pre�ented� a� �t �� ea�t3,�tec� <br />tl�t the tawtahovs�s would be valu�d �t from �26,QQ0 to �31,000. <br />A�fter an exicen�iw� publ�.c k�aa�ing, inc�uding znany quest�,ane and ans�rera, the <br /> Co�i��ian reaifirm�d iLs o�igir�al reca�ens��tion to the Counci2 to <br />d.eny the Spec�.a�. II�� Per�ni� �or r��sons incl�diug the excea��.ve denaity, <br />drsin$ge qu�s�iox�, ���nfficant Q��?AS�.tf011 f'rom ��s#�d�at�, r�s�ro�r atreets and <br />cuI-�de-secs, iikel� �.ncre���d tr�ffia, inadequ,��� ofa-s�ree� p�rking, l�ke�.y <br />subatazu�rd qu����� a�l a�apeeranca oi' the �ni�� �nc� incompatibility with the <br />ad�acent are� a�d w�.�h �h� V�.IlBge�s d�fini�ian of a�ownhause. <br />