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Town Crier No.74
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1972
Town Crier No.74
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Page 3 <br />Pla�nin9_ Comnission. ��Eeeting_ -- December 5, i972 <br />Reporter Walt Harmer <br />'� �Ir. James Hi 11 presented char�ges i n the pl at and bu� l d� r�g pl ans �or the fi rst and <br />`� secor�d additions of �ownhouses in ihe Pemtom Addi�jon (Case No. 72-35} to be located <br />near Hamline ar�d iiighway 96. Some townhouse structures wi�� be one s�ory instea� v�F <br />two, four unit structures instead o� s�x, and at an average cost of $29,000/$30,000. <br />The Plan�ing Comnission recor�mended Council apprava� of the piat plan chattges and <br />� ssuance o� bu i l di ng permi �s for addi tions or�e ar�d two, as preser�ted. <br />The P�anni�g Conmission recommended that the Cauncil approve the request by P��•dway <br />IVati onal Sank to subdi vi de ( Case No, 72-57j the Beti�el Col l ege ar�d 5e�ni nary property <br />ar a s u ent a�sing comp�ex, Approval is subjec� ta the subsequer�� approval of t�e <br />Vil�age Er�gine�r, AttQrney, and Planner with the purpose strict]y far obtaining <br />financing. <br />Mr. Ric?�ard Shetler, Villa e Planr�er, reviewed his report cancerning the conten� of <br />Ra�nse Count TOPICS Plan �Case No. 72-53). The TOPICS pian related to ma�or roadway <br />pro ems aR tra �c control in Arden Ni7is. Acceptance of the TQPICS program by <br />the Co�ancil was recammended by �he Planning Comm�ss�art e-x��c-e� �t-- Coun�y Road E2 and <br />New Brigh�on Road shou7dn't be considered "local streets�' a�dn that New Brighton Road <br />sho�1d �e closed at County Road D and �raffic �e re-rau�ed via ��enpaul Avenue to <br />Lake Johanr�a Boulevard, <br />Planner Richard She�le� distributed coPzes of the �lunici�al Alanning Act to be studied <br />by t�e Eammission �Nembers prior ta the first Lon Ran e Plan (Case No. 72-5Uj study <br />meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 23f �97 � at P.M. The Parks and Recreation <br />Canmi�tee ar�d Numan Rights.Commission are to be represente� at these meetings, too. <br />'; Ordinance 98 on Subdivisions is being studied for porposed amenc�tent of Sections 1 and <br />-' 2 relat�r�g to Par[cs �edica�ion (Case I�o. 72-28�. Each housing develop�r is requ�red <br />to dedicate eit e�� r"1an o�r money to tne Vil�age for park usagee The current Ordinance <br />needs to be revised to be more ir� line w�th inflated lar�d values. Th#s case was <br />reviewed� tab�ed to the January 9, 1973, �lann�ng Commission Meeiing and referred to the <br />Parks artd Recreation Camnittee for their documented, reasonab�e percentage figure for <br />park dedication. <br />A Public Hearir� for a sp�cial use permit for a 1,000 gallon propar�e tank at the inter- <br />nat�ona Pa er ana�an,� (Gase No. 72-58) has been scheduled far the next regular meet ni g <br />on�uescTa�y� anuary ; 1973. at 8 P.�I. <br />First Realu7ar Meeting of the Schaoi Board -- December 11, 1972 Reporter Elair�e Shore <br />Student rept�eseniatives from Mounds View �iigh School and Irondale Higl� ScE�aoi gave a <br />progress report on a jo3nt project to study student rights anci canciuded tha� there are <br />a number of differenc�s between �he two schoois. The Mounds iliew St�d�nt CouncTl is <br />writing a"Student Bill o� Rights" which includes p7ar�s for more involvement in <br />cirrzculum p�anning, tF�e grading system and palicy making. <br />Principa7s' salaries for the �972-1973 scf�aol year� retroactive to July Z and effect�ve <br />�o Jur�e 30� 1973, were approve� as follows: average salaries for Ser�iar High Principa�s <br />-- $25,638; assisiant -- $22,9�3; a�nior High Principals -- $2�,771; assistant -- $19,758; <br />��. Elementary Principais -- $23,710. The 22 returning �rinci�als wi71 re�eive an average <br />;incr�ase of 5.08%. <br />
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