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� <br />Page fhree <br />�he Second Regufar Schooi Board Meeting, co�tinued <br />"scope of his responsibility and authariiy" when he removed irhe student as editor-in-chief of the <br />.Jlounds View Viewer and �h� app�al was daniecl, <br />Richard Clague was authorizec� by �he Board �o go to Washington, D,C. an Apr€f .4th and 5th �o <br />airtend.meetings primarily corscarned with Title I and II! fundie�� and. reIated �ssues. <br />The Board commended fihe MVHS ;�asketball tearri as conference charnpian and for their cansolafiion <br />title in C�ass AA, <br />A report was given on �he progress of the data �rocessing shop �nd the value of in-service computer <br />ed. ar�d instruction. Len Munson s�atec� that th�re was a�reat potential #or the us� of this service in <br />such areo�s as the fGE program, the restructuring of the �t�gewood prograr� anc� the es#a�lishment of <br />pragrams at the new Chippewa .1,�nior Highe <br />The first reguiar school board meeting scheduled for Apri� 9 was postponed until April lfi at MVHS, <br />]973 SCHOOL ELECTION DATES <br />Tuesday, Apri � 2Q� <br />Monday, Apri l 30 <br />Monday, May �4 <br />1'uesday, May i5 <br />Last ciay �o file for schoo{ board <br />�ast day �o set election precinct bounda� i�s, <br />pol3ing �alaces and ap�ointment of eleci-ion <br />�udges4 <br />Last day for absentae .bai lot <br />Annual School Electian Qay <br />*�**�*���*����**� <br />Pfanning Ca�missivn Meeting - 3 April 1973 <br />W. L. Harmer - Reporter <br />A Public Hearing concerning a special use permit {Case No. 73-10) for Presbyterian Homes to canstruct <br />a fe�ce-type sound barrier met generaily with the approvaf of nearby neighbors who are plpgued by naise <br />from an air-conditioning water tower. If successful, the same neighbors will beRefit from the construcfiion <br />of the fence which is to �e constructed a�alogausly to sound barriers near intersirafe highways in residential <br />sectionso The Planning Commission recomme��ded th�fi the Co�:�ci1 approve the permi� to construct the <br />proposed so��d wa I i o <br />�n another Pub�ic Hearing t�e corr�rr►issian was considering the rezoning r�quest (Case No. 73�71) by <br />Mr. Lindemer, owner of �indey`s Steak House, F�e requested that his property af fhe �!E corner of County <br />Road E anc� Snelling Ave�ue be rezoned from R-1 to R-B. Other than Mr, Lindemer, thase present (rnastly <br />residents living near �indey's) w�sa spoke were opposed to the re�oning. The main opinion was that this <br />could set a precedent for fvrther rezaning elsewhere (or nearby) in the vilfa�,�eo A�'ter the hearin�, th� <br />A[anning Cammission�recommended �hat the Cou:�cil nat approve the rezoning. <br />The third ��E�lic He�ring concerned the requesfi by C. G. Rein Coo for a special use permit (Case No. 73-�3) <br />for a planned unit developmento This �roject involves the construction of an �ffice camplex of three <br />