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Town Crier No.85
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1973
Town Crier No.85
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t. <br />Page fi+nro 0 <br />Viflage Council Meeting - 29 C�ctober 1973 <br />Dave Locey, Reporter <br />Midwes� Refa appravec� by Council as being fully comple�e. Mre Hank 8reems approached Councii in <br />�cussi�evelopment of Schutta Nursery property into single f�mily dwellings, and also C. G, Rein <br />possib�e developmenfi of property Epst of nursery. Discussion primarily on•sewer service, Council <br />APPROVED amendment fio Ordinance 9$. Mr. �ambras of 3213 Ridgewoa�# Road ca�e to the meeting and <br />ur ed the Cour�cil to use "timber sheetin " on the ditch behind his house fo sto i�he erosion from excessive <br />water coming from osevi e an S oreview. T e Counci approve t e Vi age Engineer to request �he <br />county fo proceerJ wifih �he suggestion, Council approvec� with modifications !C Systems office �auilding <br />located 'ust sovth af E.exin �or� and Count Road E. Road service planned at. Harriet Aver�ue. S�orage <br />Building appraved for Lake Jo�anna Elementary School. Council mac�e clear al� position s�a�err�ents rnade <br />b Vil�a e Commitfiees shoufd o throv h Council first #�efore dessiminafiion. Cantinuing pro�lems with <br />proposed union con#ract for cer�ain vfllage er�pfoyees. Rice Creek Wai-ershed rov asserting i#s authorit ; <br />�ecoming more aci�ive. Loofcs as if will mafce {ess responsible village more responsible in matters of lake <br />pollution, etc. 4ur villa e looked oad.��Vi�la e commi�tee now stud in lake use -- whe�her shau[d use <br />for watershiing, pawer boats, or only canoeing. !f interEste , better say yaur �iece to a committee mem- <br />ber. Street fighting request being referrecf ta Safety Commiitee. Cou�cil taking DIM view on lighiring <br />request. Cauncil re c�estec� resentation of ark land ac uisition ra ram. Volley ball instructors hired <br />for Vi[lage Rec program. Parks Director Buckley to incorporate oak wili with du�ch elm ordinance. Big <br />controversy reported by Mrs. Grudnoske on who wili get firs� optaon to �uy Round l.ake property discarded <br />by Arsenal - original properi-y holders, county or village. Hearing is to be held on this. Council a roved <br />dis osal service rate increases, � <br />��������� <br />Plannir�g Cammission Meeting - S NovemE�er 1973 <br />Wa1t Harmer, Reporter <br />The Commission recommendecl Cauncil approval oF a Special Use Pe�mifi to operaie a U-Haul Trailer rental <br />opEration at 3130 Nort#� C�evefand Avenue wit� the stipulation fhat the permit must be reviewed after one <br />year (Case No. 73-43). <br />A cepresenfiative of Amber Constructian Company presented the proposed Nursery Hill Preliminary Plat <br />{Case No. 73-48) cansisting of ten single�family lots to 6e located east of Hamlir�e Avenue on a 4-1�2 acre <br />site. �lanner S�etler indicated the need for an over-�I� concepfi p�an far the area nor�h of Amble Raad and <br />west of Karth Lake and ex�ressed his concern �or possible land-locked properties. <br />A�equesfi by Ramsey Co�nty to make t�he raad grade on Bussard Court eighi percent (Case No. 73-47) was <br />referrec� fio the Public Works Deparfirr�eni, Fire Chief, and Vi Ilage Engineer for their recommendations to tf�e <br />Commission. <br />Skyline Build�rs presented their p�oposed sii�e pian for a 42-unii townhouse development (Case No. 73�) <br />to be located on a 9.9 acre site norfih of County Road F, so�th of i-,694, east of fiF�e Cofumbia 3ransit <br />Company schaol bus �ermir�al, and west of Va�entine Aven�e. A Public Hea�ing has been requested and <br />will probably be scheduled in January. <br />A s�b-�cammitfiee of the Commission has been established to study surface water zoning. Discussions have <br />included variovs met�ods of iake control such as limiting the number of �ioats on the lakes, regulating <br />par�Cing at pu�lic access by means�a rrtonetary device, and possibly restric�ing fakes to non-�motorized <br />water craffi. Questionnaires wili be sent to viilage residents to ola�ain opinians regarding ��e variaus <br />controls desired on LaC�e Johar�na and �.ake losephir�e. <br />
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