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Town Crier No.89
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1974
Town Crier No.89
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Vi�fage Council M�eting - 29 April 1974 (contin�ed} <br />Page two. <br />Approva� was given to the common trench insfiaflation of �ndergrou�d u�ilities (gas, electrici�y pnd <br />telephone) for Hunters Park. <br />Parks and Recreation Direcior, John �ucicley, was authorized to place bEke trai� signs along heavily <br />traveled roads such as Johanna Bo�levard, Co�nty Roads E2 and F, etc., to alert rr�otorists to bicycf ists. <br />Cindy Nelson, a colleg� student, wi II work free of charge as an intern in the Parks and Recreation <br />Depa�tment this surr►mer. <br />Reports were given of exfiensive damage to Perry Park, the terrain east of Perr�C Parfc, and to th� <br />Pedestrian Trai I- Plenpaul Avenue area by motorized vehicles. This rnatter was referred %o Paf ice C�ief <br />5ex1'on and �he Public Safety Cornmittee for their reco¢nrr�End�tions to �he Council. <br />Robert E. Faricy wps appoinfied Village Prosecu�or corr�mencing May 7, �974, for �he rerr�a':nder of #his <br />year. <br />The Arden Hills Po[ice Departmen� wifl be presented a"meritoriovs Acf�ievemeni Award" at fhe <br />Minnesoi�a Safety Council Banquet. <br />Planning Commissian Meetings - May <br />Dave Locey, Reporter <br />Commission worked great deal on comprehensive p�an. Both plans - comprehensive and park - <br />avaifable. Suggest you review it. Bus service wilf be available to connecfi Arden Hills wifih St. Paul <br />and Minneapof iso No Iow income housing. for Arden Hi Ils. `, <br />Recommended approval of Nursery Hills Development off Harnline. <br />Approvr�l Proto $heet Mefial expansion on building. Approved tandscppe plc�n of Rec� Fox Inn at <br />Lexington and 594. <br />Vi i lage Counci � Me�ting - T3 May 1974 <br />Ordir�ance No. 178 was approved amending ordinance No. 92, the in�axicating liquor ordinance, <br />Certain provisions were changed r�iating fia minors, by adding provisions concernin� evacuation vf <br />�icensed prernises and cansumptior� aFter ho�rrs, and by increasing the maximum fine assessab�e in the <br />penalty provision. <br />Engineer Lund reported that Suburban �ngineering has made four connections to the viilage sanitary sewer <br />at the Arde� Manor Mobi le Home Park without having the sewer lines tested as required. These sewer <br />lines are no� now in use. " <br />Concern was voiced that �he village reguiation prohibiting storm water run-oFf draining inta the saniS�ary <br />sewers wasn`t being sfiricfify adhered to. <br />7reasurer O'Kel1y repar�ed investments of $100,040 on May 2, 1974, for 3� days C 10,95% interes� an� <br />�1�0,000 on May 10, 1974, far 90 days @ 10.95% at the First Nation�l Banfc of St. �aul. <br />The final pfat of Nursery Flill was approvecf subject to many stipulations. <br />Approval was giv�n to issue p building perrnil' far a 39$ s�. ft. addition to the Proto S�eet Me�al Bviiding <br />on Cor�nef ly Avenue. <br />
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