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Vi I fage Counci I Meeting - September 23, i974, conti�ued <br />Page 3 <br />Be#hel College �as com�feted corrective fire �rotection construc�ian thafi had been request�d �y the <br />- .Council and the Fire Chiefe <br />Two Councilmen wifl be eiected on November 5th for four year terma, <br />Planning Commission Meeting - Septernber 24, 1974 <br />Dave Locey, Reporter <br />Commission considered addifion of Schwaf�-Vo�lhaber Bvilding located at corner of S94 - Ham�ine and <br />County Road F. Did not� approve cancluding too much blacktop effecting runroff, lack o� screening on <br />residentipl side, not enaugh parEcing, and very tight sifie arrpngemert�. Commission discussed fi II <br />operation on Gl�ek Farm in Rasevi!(e and run-off in�o Arden Hills. Concluded better worlcing relationship <br />needed with Roseville on such rnafiters, and recomrr�ended to Counci f such be encouraged. ' Com�nission <br />continues to work on zoning ordint�nces insuring goocf development of Vi�lagea <br />Vilfage Counci! Meeting - Septernber 30, 1974 <br />Mr.e Richard Fredlund will be the r�ew Viilage P�a�ner. <br />Walt Harmer, Reportcr <br />An ordinanc� was in�roduced (passed} which w'r�i regulate the surface use of irhe water of Lake Johanna <br />and impose penalties for vioiations. In confunction with the Rarnsey Cou�ty Sherifi's office�, the Arden <br />Hills Police offieers wil� enforce this ordinance. <br />1'he Council authorized advertisement for bids an a master water mefier at Bethel Coliege. <br />�reasurer O' Ke l ly reportet� a� investment of $� 15, 000 on September 25, 1974, for four months at 10.20%. <br />Bids were reviewed far th� instaliation of the follow ing equipment in the Council raom: five rnicrophones <br />at Council table, two microp�ones at consuifiant's fable, a standing microphone in fhe audience area, and <br />a tape fecorder with transcri�iing accessories. The Council authorized Biumberg Photo Sound Company to <br />instali a public address system in the Village Hall at a cost of $2,Oi0,80. <br />Discussian about an ordinance for diseased tree treatment and removal led to considering a contractar to <br />help so�ve this probiem. <br />The Co�ncil �xpressed no objection �o an arep-wide golf course propased by New Brighton Mayor <br />Bromander. <br />A resolution was adopted appraving sums of money to �ae levied for the �evy year 1974; �ayable in 1975. <br />In effect the levy is lower than lasi uear's (eu�. <br />