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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — JUNE 20, 2011 4 <br />future projects. She added that the CIP budget is meant to be a guiding plan that will change over <br />time. <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the gateway sign amount for the first year was set at $65,000 because <br />Staff is planning to carry -over the 2011 amount. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher responded it is not; it is based on two signs at <br />$25,000 and the Arden Plaza sign would be $15,000. <br />Mayor Grant asked about the $15,000 currently in the budget and whether or not there is a plan <br />to get a sign in place yet this year. <br />Ms. Hutmacher responded there are no plans to proceed with a sign this year. <br />Mayor Grant questioned the amount included for the Springbrook software upgrade. <br />Ms. Iverson explained that amount was carried over from 2011 because they have not yet gotten <br />the HR module or the timecard entry completed yet. The $13,000 in Office Technology is for <br />computers; the Council laptops and a recent upgrade for all City computers came out of that line <br />item this year. She added that in July, Staff plans to bring before Council the purchase of a new <br />copier under a lease agreement so it will not involve CIP funds. <br />Councilmember Holden asked for an explanation of the item identified as Communications <br />Equipment. <br />Administrator Klaers explained that some of the money in that category is for items planned to <br />be purchased in 2011 because Staff now hopes to spend some of those 2011 funds on the City's <br />website. <br />Ms. Hutmacher stated that they had hoped to replace the Bulletin Board software and hardware <br />this year but that has been delayed until next year. <br />Councilmember Holden commented that she recently read an article about other municipalities <br />eliminating their cable access programming due to expense and the availability of social media. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned the Valentine Park playground replacement item. <br />Parks & Recreation Manager Michelle Olson explained that $50,000 is included in this year's <br />budget but Staff moved it to 2012 because there is a good chance that the funds will not be <br />expended until 2012. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the replacement of backstops at the City ball fields. Public Works <br />Director Maurer offered to research pricing and provide details to the Council at a later date. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned the $260,000 figure for Valentine Park Improvements. She <br />also questioned if, when the Valentine Park improvements are done, will they be done the fastest, <br />