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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 13, 2011 9 <br />B.A. Valentine Park Improvements (continued) <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the drainage would be resolved with the design stage of <br />planning. This will provide the information needed to determine what will be needed for the <br />drainage. <br />Councilmember Holmes suggested the proposed parking lot be moved so when you come into <br />the park rather than taking a right into the parking area, a person would take a left. The park <br />amenities could then be moved to the other side which would keep them away from the homes. <br />The amenities would be closer to the lake so when parents are watching their children at the park <br />they can look at the lake. <br />Public Works Maurer stated the neighborhood did provide input regarding the location of the <br />park amenities. The residents had requested a half basketball court in order to reduce the noise <br />and some of the play areas were moved further from the homes. If the park amenities were <br />moved, they would be closer to the road, which could be a problem for smaller children. The <br />design phase will look at the drainage and how to best utilize the green space and where to put the <br />amenities. He suggested having the project move into the design phase and then bring a couple of <br />concept plans to the residents to consider. Once the drainage has been resolved, the potential <br />location for amenities can be determined. He suggested having an open house in the park so <br />residents could see where in the park the amenities could be located. He emphasized that at this <br />time the design phase would be needed in order to determine what would need to be done to <br />resolve the drainage issues and once this is determined the location and types of amenities can be <br />finalized. <br />Mayor Grant asked when construction would take place. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated construction could start later this summer and be <br />completed the following summer or construction could be done in 2012. It would be better for the <br />residents to do the construction in the spring of 2012 since the residents do not use the park in the <br />spring due to the flooding <br />Councilmember Holden stated she would like to see some form of play area in the shaded area <br />of the park for the kids. She does not like the tree house concept but would like to see something <br />in this area of the park. <br />Councilmember Holden asked what the interpretive signs were. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the signs would integrate the drainage facilities into the <br />park and make it feel like part of the park. <br />Councilmember Holden stated the signs for the Elmer L. Anderson signs were already damaged. <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated she was aware of damage to the Ramsey County <br />sign and has been working with the sign vendor and Ramsey County on this. <br />Councilmember Holden stated the other ice rinks in the City have hockey players on them and <br />this does make it difficult for recreational and beginner skaters to enjoy the rink. <br />