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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — June 13, 2011 4 <br />B. Discussion on Community Development vision and goals and discussion on redesign of <br />the City's website (continued) <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated the duties are split between three to four <br />people and City Planner Beekman does a portion of it. <br />Councilmember Holden stated the website is an important tool in communicating with the <br />residents and should be updated and kept current. <br />City Administrator Klaers stated the Cable Fund has funds available that could be used for the <br />website. The City could also look at the possibility of hiring a person to maintain the website or <br />contracting these services. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Staff could put together a Request for Proposals to find a <br />person that could be put in charge of the project and make the calls and research needed for this <br />project so that Staff would not have to do this. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated some of the websites that are easier to <br />utilize have a division between business and visitor information and also by department and <br />services. <br />Councilmember Holden stated the City's current website was done with GovOffice. This <br />package had been a good product at the time the City purchased it. She asked if Staff had looked <br />into these updates for GovOffice. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated GovOffice is planning a major upgrade <br />but at this time there is no release date and she does not know what the software entails at this <br />time. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated if the City is going to pursue a new website then the technology <br />should be as new as possible. If GovOffice is planning major upgrades to their software it may be <br />worth looking at it but he suggested looking at other products <br />City Administrator Klaers stated Staff will contact other cities to find out what products they <br />use, if they have an internal person to maintain the site, or if they contract out these services. Staff <br />will compile the data and bring it back to the Council for further direction. <br />Councilmember Holden suggested contacting a professor at Bethel University who may be able <br />to help Staff in mapping out the direction that Staff should take, or the information that Staff will <br />need to proceed. They may be able to tell Staff what options are available. She also stated the <br />City could look at bringing in college students for the maintenance of the website. <br />City Administrator Klaers stated Staff would be able to do the research and determine the <br />options available to the City without hiring a contractor. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated there are two costs involved with this project; the initial design <br />of the website and the ongoing expense of maintaining the website. <br />