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As part of the original application, the developer also received approval for a Final PUD for <br />Phase I of the development. The first phase was for Buildings 1 and 3, but would have also <br />included a mill and overlay of the existing parking lot, construction of main street style entrances <br />at County Road E and Lexington, implementation of the landscape plan, and site grading and <br />grass pads for future buildings 2 and 4. <br />Since the approval of the Master and Final PUD for Phase I, the developer's negotiations with <br />Walgreens have stalled. The developer has since negotiated with CVS Pharmacy, and is <br />proposing amendments to the Final PUD for Phase I in terms of layout and timeline. The <br />changes to the project are summarized in detail in Attachment A. <br />The Master PUD, along with the original plan set and the conditions of approval associated with <br />it, remains valid. The originally approved Development Agreement has been included as <br />Attachment B, along with a copy of the Master Plan. At this time, the applicants are requesting <br />amendments to the Final PUD for Phase I pertaining only to the site layout for Lot 1, as well as <br />the timing of some of the overall site improvements associated with Phase I. In addition, the <br />configuration of the subdivided lots is to be adjusted slightly because Building 3, and the lot it <br />was on, has been removed from the development plan. <br />Project Proposal and Process <br />1. Project Description <br />The 12.55 acre Arden Plaza property currently includes two buildings: a retail strip mall with <br />approximately 55,000 square feet and the "pod office building" with 45,944 square feet of <br />gross floor area. The applicant proposes to demolish the pod office building, construct three <br />new buildings, retain the strip mall, and subdivide the property into three lots. The entire <br />project would be completed in three phases. <br />The proposed tenant for Building 1 is a CVS Pharmacy store. Building 2 is anticipated to be <br />a single restaurant user, and Building 4 is yet to be determined. Building 3 was originally <br />approved as a 4,500 square foot retail space, attached to Building 1, but has since been <br />removed from the development plan. The developer does not yet have tenants for buildings 2 <br />or 4, though is actively marketing the site. <br />The first phase, which is the subject of this review, is for Building 1. The applicant has <br />included a revised Phase I Development Plan (Attachment C) which details what aspects of <br />the project will be constructed with Phase I. <br />2. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Process: <br />The PUD process is a tool that provides additional flexibility for developments that an <br />underlying zoning district would not otherwise allow. For example, a PUD may change the <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for August 3, 2011 <br />P: (Planning \Planning CasesI2011111 -016 - Arden Plaza - PUD Amendment (Pending)108 -03 -11 - PC Report - Arden Plaza - PUD <br />Amendment.docx <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />
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