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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
8/10/2011 9:23:25 AM
Creation date
8/10/2011 9:22:38 AM
Regular City Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Minutes
Regular City Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July, 11, 2011 9 <br />6.A. Highway 96 /TH 10 Interstate Project — Public Hearing (continued) <br />traffic movements and the need for certain intersections. The current project has looked at the <br />environmental impacts as well as costs in preparing the design for the project. If there is a large <br />development that occurs on the TCAAP property, this will impact traffic and warrant an <br />additional traffic study. <br />Mayor Grant asked Mr. Tolaas to explain the difference in noise levels if a bituminous surface <br />was used versus a concrete surface. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the bituminous overlay of Highway 10 would occur as soon as the <br />reconstruction project is completed. The bituminous surface will sound differently than the <br />concrete surface and may provide less noise in the beginning. The noise levels will change as the <br />road surface changes. He also stated that Ramsey County is coordinating this project with <br />Mn/DOT and the I- 694/I -3 5 W project. <br />Mayor Grant asked if it would be possible to restrict the truck traffic, jake-braking, or introduce <br />weight restrictions on Highway 10 that would be similar to those on I -3 5E. He also asked if it <br />would be possible to restrict trucks to the I- 694/I -3 5 W interchange since this would be a more <br />suitable interchange for this type of traffic. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated Highway 10 is a US Highway and by definition it has to allow truck traffic. <br />This is in order to reduce the truck traffic that occurs on neighborhoods. In St. Paul, it took 25 <br />years and special legislation to get the restrictions on 1-35E. These restrictions have not <br />necessarily proven to provide a positive impact because the restrictions are not always followed <br />and they are difficult to enforce. He explained the interchange at I -694 and I -3 5 W would not be <br />able to accommodate the increase in traffic that would occur with redirecting all truck traffic to <br />this interchange. Ramsey County is not suggesting the current speed limits change on Highway <br />10 through Arden Hills. The speed for a road is not something that is dictated by the County but <br />rather by MnDOT based on a traffic study that would look at the speed of traffic currently in the <br />area and what the road would be able to accommodate. <br />Mayor Grant asked if there were any funds from this project being diverted to the I-6944-35W <br />project. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the Highway 10 /Highway 96 project is mostly funded by Surface <br />Transportation Program funds and these funds could not be diverted to other projects. If these <br />funds are not used for this project they would be returned to be redistributed. <br />Mayor Grant asked about the rumor of a four lane ramp being installed at Scherer Brothers as <br />part of the Vikings Stadium proposal. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated as part of the Vikings Stadium proposal there have been several different traffic <br />plans. One of the early proposals did have a four lane ramp in the same location as Scherer <br />Brothers but, due to the costs involved, this plan was dismissed. <br />
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