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Basic Pracess <br />Municipat Consent Process <br />Nlt�fDOT — HPDP/Scopir�g <br />1. Mr�l�OT s�bmits ihe fnaf layoe�t to the City with a letfer req€�esting City approvai of the fayaut_ <br />2_ The City �olds public hearing within 60 days of Mn/�OTs submitta[ <br />and giv�s a 30-day {minimum) pub�ic naiice af the hea�ir�g. <br />MnIDOT presents Ehe layout at fhe pubiic hearing <br />3_ 7he City Cou�cil passes a resolution approving / disap�roving Ehe layout <br />(within 9Q days of public hearing)_ <br />If a�ter 90 days from ihe pubfic hearing the City has noi passecl a <br />resofuiion cfisapproving the Eayo�t, Ehe [ayout is deemed approved <br />4. If the Gity approves, Mn/�OT can Proceed wiEh #he �rojecf_ <br />5. �6 ihe City disa�Praves, MnIDOT's opiions are.- <br />o Make fhe changes requested by the C►ty (if any} <br />c Refsr #he layau# #o an AppeaE Board <br />c Sfop the project <br />o Modify fhe project so rr►�nicipa! cansent Es not reguired <br />e Pre�aare a �evu fir�al layouf and start the MC process o�er #rom beginning <br />60 days <br />SO days <br />Before Appeal= Total Maximu[n time = 150 days <br />Appeal Process "` <br />1_ MnfDOT notifies the C�ty that it is ap�ea�ing. <br />2. An Appeai Board of f�ree persons is established� <br />e MnIDOT appoints a merr�ber E3Rciefened tirne to <br />c 7he City appoints a member establisi� appeal board <br />o ihird rriember selected by mutual agreemeni beiween the City & MnID�T_ <br />If they cannof agree, MnID�T requests the M�E Ehief Justice Eo select_ <br />The Chief Justice appoin#s third member within 14 days of MnIDOTs request_ 1� days <br />3_ Mn/DOT refers the finai iayout fo the Appeal Board_ Undefined time <br />4_ The App�al Board holds a I�earing (within 30 days of receiving finaE layout fram Mrt1�07�_ <br />TF�e City and Mn/DOT each presenf their case 30 days <br />5. The Appeal Board makes its recornmendation {within 60 days of the hearing}: 60 days <br />c Approvai, or <br />o Approval with rnodificaiions, or <br />o Disapprovai of tE�e final layout Maximum for Appeal Process = 104_days + <br />(plus time to establish appeaf board, etc.) <br />6. if the Board approves, Mn/DOT can praceed mrith the project_ <br />7. !f the Board disapproves, or appro�es with modifcations, Mn/DQT's options are: <br />c Make recommended modificaiions (� at�y}, and proceed wiih t�e pro}ect <br />c Stap the projecf <br />� Modi#y the project so municipal cansent is not requ[red <br />e Prepare a new finai layout and star# !he MC pracess o�er irom beginning <br />o If ii is an Interstate,Highway �roieci. MnlqO� msy proceed with the project �sing <br />the layout that was nat spproved (and sends a report Eo the City and the Appeal <br />Boa�d stating E�e reas4ns for dang so). <br />70TAL Possible Tirr3e = 254 days + <br />NO'FE_ If finat canstrucfion pfar�s contain char�ges to access, capacity, or righf-of-way from the layout appro�ed by the <br />City. Mn/DO� res�brnits the changed �orfipn of the plans to tf�e City for appraval_ {City has 60 days to appr�ve). �his <br />�olds whefher mun9eipai consent was obtained through ihe basic MG process or through the appeal process. <br />