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Oavid Radziej (Rod-ge) <br />Radziej is a Prussiar� narne and now paEt o# Paland — which i have bee� told means "krusteci <br />ad�isoP'. <br />Educatipn: <br />8S Degree with three majors: Intemational Business, Finance and Construc#io� Managemeni, from <br />Mankato Stats University, Mankata, Minneso#a, 19$4 Graduate. <br />Institute for �rganization Managemerrt: University of Nafre �ame <br />1994 - i receisred rr�y CA� (Cerfi�ied Associafion Execufive} Degree, the highest credentials i� the Naf-�or- <br />F'ro�it Association industry and have rnaintainetf ihis certificaGon through coniinued educatiortal seminars <br />and worksf�ops. <br />Si�c� 1989 receiwed training at lniema#ionai Fo�ndation far �mgioyee Bensfiis — representing Employers <br />as a Management Trustee on Loca! EJnion Pension Plans and Health anci Welfare �u�ds. <br />2f3Q7 - Resident lnsutance Producer License -- State of Minnesota DepartenenE of Commerce Lic�nsing <br />E3i�ision, Accident & Healfh, �ife are the lines of authority. <br />lVumerous wor(tshopslseminars on Budgetary, personne! iss�es, isbor relations, tegai, legislative, <br />rnarketir�g, pub{ic re�ations & dealing with the media. <br />DirectarlTeac[�er — Supenrisory Training Program, for fieid superrrisory personnel in topics such as Cost <br />Awareness ProcEuction Control; OraE &� Wntten Comm�nication; Pianning & 5checiuling_ PrajEc# <br />Mar�agernent; and Accldent & Lass PrEventian, ProducIion improvement and Leadership & Mofivation. <br />Professiar�al Background: <br />Aite� grad�ating in 1 S$4 I wafked into the Non-Profit Trade Associaiion call Associated General Cor�tractors <br />{AGCj of Minnesota and asked t�e staff —"Vllha was hiring Constr�cti�n Management Graduates to work <br />averseas?v The staff said, "IVo one is hiring overseas right know, ihe econamy is reaUy slaw but AGC has a <br />job oper�ing for ihe "Directar of the Mighway Division". I submitted my resume, interviewed and was the <br />youngest director they had ever hired at that thaf point in time. <br />�he Direc#or of the Nighway Divis�on camrnu�ticates wifh tne Minnesota Qepartment o� Transportatian <br />(roads — bridges-raiiroads — airpprts) afEer fwo years ! became ihe Director af Nighways and L�tili#y <br />Contractors Divisions then twa years laier I uvas tF►e �irecior of ttie HighwaylHeavy Inr�Gstrial 1[Jtiliry <br />Gontractors Divisions. With the next promofion I becarne the Assisia�t to tF3e Executive �irectar. <br />So after spending 'I Sf years mo�ing into t�igher areas of resPonsibility i decided that I wa€�#ed to �n my <br />owr� Trade Associaiion and the Ptumbing-Heating ar�d Coaiing Contractors of Minrsesota hired me. I sper�t <br />€aur+ y��� ��rning fhe Plu►nbing Heating Cooling Contracfors Association around and in 20fl3 with <br />rnernbers�ip up, #rade s�ow attendance surpassing 9000 atEendees, back-to-taack tracfeshow iloor space <br />sefiouts, legistati�e[y rnoved {wi#h ihe help of athersj industry ad�ancing legislaiion eaeF� year for frve years <br />w�ile suceessfully completing la�or negptiations which funded a new wing for trades peopEe apprenticeship <br />trainir�g at Dunwoody fnstif�fe pfus turning a magazine around to rrsak�ng it profitable, ( felt if was time to <br />help others_ <br />Towards #he end of 2003, f was invited to be the �resideRUCEO of the Printing Industry of Minnesota, to <br />bring �he sarne energy to work on Legislation, �abor Relati�ns, Education, 5a#ety and �r��ironmenial issues <br />as welE as Youth Outreach programs, a!i in t#tie in#erest of Promoting and Proteciing #he Print Indus#ry here <br />in Minnesota and across �e regior�. <br />