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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — AUGUST 15, 2011 4 <br />Mayor Grant questioned if there is an adequate number of pumps in Lift Station #8 because the <br />homeowner immediately adjacent has reported strong sewer smells at times. He also asked if the <br />electrical use is monitored at this lift station. <br />Public Works Director Maurer responded that this is a three -pump station which is adequate. <br />He added that there could be times when there may be a septic smell if there is a low -flow period. <br />He also explained that the electrical system is monitored and recorded on a daily basis and on July <br />16 the pumps in this station ran 11 to 12 hours each. Beyond that day, he has not been aware of <br />any electrical usage that is beyond the normal amount. <br />Public Works Director Maurer proceeded to review the flooding issues related to Indian Oaks <br />pond and explained that he has been talking to the homeowner just west of the pond regarding the <br />pond overflowing its banks on July 16. He added that the overflow did not get into that home but <br />he is aware of one other home in that area with damage. He pointed out on a map the drainage <br />easement for this pond where a shed has been placed and a tree has been planted. The storm <br />sewer line running through this easement is plastic so he doesn't anticipate any problems with tree <br />roots in the storm sewer line. He explained that the debris in the area makes it clear that the water <br />flowed over land so he thinks the system worked. He doesn't recommend any changes at this time <br />unless the Council wants to address the shed that is partially located in the easement. He also <br />stated that he is not concerned about the tree in the easement other than the homeowner's risk if <br />the pipe in that area has to be dug up. <br />Mayor Grant suggested that Mr. Maurer make the homeowner aware of the fact that the shed and <br />tree are located in a drainage easement. <br />Councilmember Tamble asked if Mr. Maurer had received any phone calls from the area of 1546 <br />Briarknoll. He also stated there was water coming out of the manhole at the area of 1565 <br />Briarknoll. <br />Public Works Director Maurer responded there were two property owners that had individual <br />issues. He was aware of the ponding in the area of 1565 Briarknoll but noted that it drained fairly <br />quickly. <br />Public Works Director Maurer went on to discuss an issue that occurred on Amble Road and <br />Nursery Hill Court where there is a lot of overland flow. One property owner's retaining wall <br />failed during the July 16th storm. He explained that after reviewing the area, he doesn't see any <br />easy way to divert the water anywhere else and the City doesn't own any land in the affected area. <br />He stated it is his opinion that the drainage patterns have been established for a long time and <br />there is not much that can be done. He thought the best solution would be for the property owners <br />involved to work together and the City could assist them. <br />Councilmember Tamble suggested that Bolton & Menk take a look at this area and offer <br />suggestions to the homeowners. <br />