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3 <br />Budget <br />The 2011 CIP has a total of $310,000 for improvements to Valentine Park. Staff may have <br />the opportunity to seek drainage improvement grant fundingthrough Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. The next round for applications for this will be sometimein Marchof2012.The <br />survey work and drainage plans will determine exact placement of park features and also <br />project costs. The next step in the process would be to authorize staff to move into plan <br />preparation. Once the plans, specifications and budget information is complete, it will be <br />brought back to the PTRC and neighbors for review and then to the City Councilfor <br />consideration to authorize staff to go out for bid. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Motion to authorize staff to move into design and budgeting analysis for Valentine Park <br />improvements based on the draft concept plan recommended by the PTRC. <br />\\\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Memos\06132011 Valentine Park <br />Improvements.doc <br /> <br />