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4E, Planning Case 11-018 - Approval of the Right-of-Way Maintenance Ordinance
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4E, Planning Case 11-018 - Approval of the Right-of-Way Maintenance Ordinance
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10/28/2013 5:14:16 PM
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10/10/2011 10:53:46 AM
Planning Case 11-018
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Planning Case 11-018
Approval of the Right-of-Way Maintenance
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2. Remove or relocate language that pertains to maintenance of the ROW from other areas <br />of the Code and consolidate it into Chapter 3; <br />3. Update the City's Shade Tree Ordinance within Chapter 7 to clarify the abatement <br />procedures and more effectively deal with the removal of diseased trees. <br />City Planner Beekman stated that while the revisions to Chapter 7 are important, they are <br />relatively minor, and are separate from the purpose of this discussion, which is to discuss the <br />revisions to Chapter 3 and the ROW Maintenance Ordinance. The ROW Maintenance <br />Ordinance involves three key aspects: <br />1. Defining the ROW; <br />2. Outlining the responsibilities of residents in terms of maintaining the boulevard adjacent <br />to their property; <br />3. Clarifying the City's responsibilities in terms of ensuring the safe and efficient use of the <br />ROW. <br />City Planner Beekman explained that Staff has included a draft ROW Maintenance Ordinance <br />for Council review and is requesting that the Council review the attached draft ordinance and <br />provide comment and direction on it. Based on the discussion this evening, staff will revise the <br />draft ordinance and bring it back either for Council approval, or for further discussion. Because <br />all proposed revisions of the City Code do not impact Chapter 13, the Zoning Code, these <br />revisions would not require a public hearing, nor review by the Planning Commission. <br />Councilmember Holmes suggested there be a clear definition of ROW included in the <br />ordinance and that the definition also state the difference between improved and unimproved <br />ROW. She also questioned the width of ROW and how a resident knows that information. <br />City Planner Beekman explained that it is the responsibility of the property owner to determine <br />their property lines. Sometimes the City has a plat map available, but if there is none, or if the <br />property owner can't find the property pins, they will have to have a surveyor establish the <br />location of the property lines. <br />Councilmember Tamble asked if that language is in the Code. <br />City Planner Beekman stated she is not sure whether or not it is included but she also stated <br />that the ROW varies from one road to another. She added that the property owner actually owns <br />to the center of the ROW. The streets are dedicated to the City, not deeded. <br />Councilmember Holden was concerned about the sections of the new code referring to permits <br />being issued by a specific staff member. She suggested that all such references be changed to <br />read "the City" will issue such permits. <br />Councilmember Holmes suggested that Section D under Subdivision 3 be revised to state more <br />clearly that such costs will be the responsibility of the property owner. <br />
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