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Mayor: Address: <br />David Grant <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Councilmembers: Arden Hills MN 55112 <br />Ed Werner lr 111LLS <br />Brenda Holden Phone: <br />Fran Holmes ends 651.792.7800 <br />Nick Tamble <br />Website: <br />ctober 10, Z 11 <br />Regutar City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. <br />City Vision <br />Arden Hills is a strong community that values its unique environmental setting, strong residential neighborhoods, <br />vital business community, well - maintained infrastructure, fiscal soundness, and our long- standing tradition <br />as a desirable City in which to live, work, and play. <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />2. PUBLIC INQUIRIES /INFORMATIONAL Public inquiries /informational is an opportunity for citizens to bring to <br />the Council's attention any items not currently on the agenda. In <br />addressing the Council, please state your name and address for the <br />record, and a brief summary of the specific item being addressed to the <br />Council. To allow adequate time for each person wishing to address the <br />Council, we ask that individuals limit their comments to three (3) <br />minutes. Written documents may be distributed to the Council prior to <br />the meeting, or as bench copies, to allow a more timely presentation. <br />A. TCAAP / Stadium Proposal Update Jill Hutmacher <br />3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. September 12, 2011, Regular Council <br />Meeting <br />4. CONSENT CALENDAR Those items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be <br />routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion under a <br />Consent Calendar format. There will be no separate discussion of these <br />items, unless a Councilmember so requests, in which event, the item will <br />be removed from the general order of business and considered separately <br />in its normal sequence on the agenda. <br />A. Claims and Payroll <br />B. Approve Appointment of Janet Stodola as Meagan Beekman <br />an Alternate to the Planning Commission <br />C. Resolution 2011 -049: Accepting Work Terry Maurer <br />Completed, Starting Two -Year Warranty <br />and Authorizing Final Payment for the <br />2010 Pavement Management Program to <br />T.A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc., in the <br />Amount of $10,507.82. <br />