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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 4 <br />B. Motion to Approve Resolution 2011 -041: Adopting the Special Assessment Roll for <br />the Lexington Avenue Sidewalk Improvements. <br />Councilmember Holden explained that she pulled this item so she would have the opportunity to <br />explain that the business community is sharing the cost of this project which will provide a <br />sidewalk from the railroad to Shannon Square. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br />motion to Approve Resolution 2011 -041: Adopting the Special Assessment <br />Roll for the Lexington Avenue Sidewalk Improvements. Motion carried <br />unanimously (5 -0). <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. 2011 Operating Levy Payable 2012 and 2011 Truth -in- Taxation Hearing Date <br />Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson explained that the figures presented <br />this evening are based on the Council's direction at their August 29th Work Session. The 2012 <br />proposal shows an increase of 3% or $91,300 over the 2011 levy. She stated that the median <br />home value in Arden Hills decreased 1.16% from $276,000 to $272,800 and the County wide <br />average decreased 4.01%. The Market Value Homestead Credit (MHVC) was replaced with the <br />Market Value Exclusion (MVE) program by the State Legislature and this has reduced the overall <br />taxable value of the City. The preliminary levy is proposed at a 3% increase and public safety <br />contract costs account for 1.9% of that levy increase. Of the proposed 2012 increase of $31.63 on <br />the median valued home, $24.01 or 73.9% of the increase is related to public safety contracts. She <br />stated the City is required to schedule and announce a regular meeting to discuss the budget and <br />levy. The budget and final levy may be adopted during that meeting after the public hearing. That <br />meeting must be held between November 24 and December 26 after 6:00 p.m. The County will <br />mail parcel - specific hearing notices between November 10 and 22. She presented two options for <br />the Council's consideration with regards to the Truth in Taxation hearing; one being December 5 <br />at 6:00 p.m. and the other being December 12 during the regularly scheduled Council meeting. <br />The Council is also being asked to approve Resolution 2011 -045 setting the preliminary levy for <br />taxes payable in 2012 in the amount of $3,132,264. <br />Mayor Grant explained that the 3% is a preliminary figure which can be lowered but not <br />increased when the final levy is set. He also commented that currently the City reserves are at <br />48% which is not in compliance with the City policy of 50 %. He stated that he hopes the 3% levy <br />rate can come down somewhat but stressed that we must have sufficient funds for the increasing <br />public safety costs. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked about the chart on the first page of the memo. She questioned <br />how the 3% levy increase over 2011 results in a 7% tax rate increase. <br />Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson reviewed the Minnesota property tax <br />statute and how the calculations are made using Arden Hill's data. <br />