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10-18-11 PTRC
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10/14/2011 8:15:24 AM
PTRC Packet
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PTRC Packet
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 13, 2011 7 <br />8.A. Valentine Park Improvements (continued) <br />will determine the exact placement of park features as well as project costs. The next step in the <br />process will be to authorize Staff to move into plan preparation. Once the plans, specifications <br />and budget are completed, this proposal will be brought back to the PTRC and neighbors for <br />review and then to the City Council for consideration to authorize Staff to go out for bid. She <br />explained that prices have not been determined for the amenities at this time but will be <br />determined as part of the plans and specifications. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the retention ponds would have standing water and if it was anticipated <br />there would standing water year round. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the residents have expressed they do not want to have <br />standing water in the park. It is important to get to the design phase so that the drainage issues <br />can be identified and possible solutions investigated. The idea is to have ponding areas for <br />drainage during heavy rainfalls that would drain off and then be generally dry. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the trail depicted on the concept plan was included in the budget. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the internal trail is part of the concept. The trail around <br />the perimeter was recommended by the PTRC and is not included in the project budget. <br />Mayor Grant stated the addition of a drinking fountain would require that the park have water <br />service and at this time it does not. He asked how much it would be to run a water line and <br />maintain the drinking fountain. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated this has not been fully analyzed at this time. It is included <br />in the list of amenities to be priced and looked into further. <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated the PTRC had included the drinking fountain <br />because this may be the only opportunity the City has to add this amenity. If the cost is too high <br />the PTRC will evaluate it further. <br />Mayor Grant stated the budget may cover the cost of adding a drinking fountain but he did not <br />see a big enough benefit in it to justify the cost. He suggested that once the project costs have <br />been identified, each item should be evaluated to be sure it makes sense. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the ball fields had any scheduled leagues that play at this <br />location. She asked if the City had a shortage of baseball fields or soccer fields. <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated there are games scheduled for this field but they <br />have been moved due to the current conditions of the park. The City does have enough baseball <br />fields and the open green space in the concept plan can be used as a soccer field if needed. <br />
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