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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 13, 2011 11 <br />9. Council Comments & Staff Updates (continued) <br />Councilmember Werner stated the residents have had an opportunity to provide input regarding <br />Valentine Park and this has been appreciated. <br />Councilmember Holmes requested Staff to be sure the March 21, 2011, letter from the City to <br />Ramsey County regarding the Vikings Stadium concerns is placed on the City's website. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated there is still an opening on the Planning Commission and <br />applications are on the City's website. She also stated she will not be able to attend the July 18 <br />work session meeting. <br />Mayor Grant stated the U.S. Department of Commerce sent information about the census and <br />how to get information about the community and surrounding communities. <br />Mayor Grant stated the MN Rural Water Association sent a letter to the City with educational <br />opportunities for Staff. The City also received a letter from the Met Council on MCES. <br />Mayor Grant thanked the Operations and Maintenance Staff for all their work in making the <br />City's flower gardens look good. They look considerably better than last year. He asked Staff to <br />continue to look through the plantings and address any plants that need to be replaced. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the City maintained the garden on Lexington Avenue and County Road E. <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated Northwestern College had been maintaining the <br />garden until the end of the school year. The garden has not been maintained since. <br />Mayor Grant stated he would like this garden to look nice and asked Staff to look into having <br />this garden maintained and the grass mowed on the property. He also thanked Parks and <br />Recreation Manager Olson for following up on the issues at 1960 County Road E2. <br />Councilmember Holden asked to whom dead trees in the City should be reported and if the dead <br />trees on the Presbyterian Homes property had been reported. <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated dead trees could be reported to her and she would <br />have the Forester take care of these. <br />Councilmember Holden asked how many sump pump inspections were remaining. <br />Public Works Director Maurer Terry stated sump pump inspections were scheduled to be <br />completed by the fall of this year. <br />Mayor Grant asked Staff to update the information of the City's website concerning ash borer <br />disease and other links that may be helpful for residents. <br />