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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />September 20, 2011 <br />recommendation to place the "no parking" was brought forth to the City Council and was <br />approved. <br />Mr. Morphew explained the reasoning behind his request and felt that visibility and safety <br />issues where created when vehicles are parked on the north side of the road and pedestrians <br />walk between these parked vehicles in order to cross the street. He agrees the argument on the <br />other side is also valid but he does not feel it is as dangerous. Ms. Olson explained that in <br />order to make a change to the parking restriction, it would need to be a Council action and staff <br />felt the PTRC should review and make a recommendation. <br />Committee Member Garretson indicated she feels Mr. Morphew's idea was very well thought <br />out. She stated she walked the area and agrees that you cannot see around the corner and likes <br />the idea of having an open space. <br />Committee Member O'Malley suggested having a caution sign stating "children crossing" and <br />Committee Member Garretson agreed that might be an idea. <br />Substitute Chair Peck indicated he also looked at the area and feels he has been persuaded to <br />switch the "no parking" and also likes the idea that pedestrians would not have to cross the <br />street when getting dropped off. <br />Ms. Olson indicated that she and Public Works Director Maurer Iooked at this issue and felt <br />there were arguments to both sides of the road and thus have no recommendation on the issue <br />and would Iike the committee to weigh in on it. <br />Committee Member Krarnlinger agreed that from a safety concern it should be changed to the <br />north side of the street. <br />MOTION: Committee Member O'Malley motioned that parking for Floral park be <br />changed from the south side to the north side of the street. <br />Discussion ensued regarding adding a pick -up /drop -off site at the frontage of the park to a <br />distance recommended by the City Engineer. Committee Member O'Malley accepted a <br />friendly amendment to the motion to include a pick up /drop off area. <br />Committee Member Messerly moved to amend the motion to switch the parking from the <br />south side to the north side of the street and to provide "no parking" from 50 feet southeast of <br />the steps to 50 feet northwest of the path to allow for pickup. <br />Discussion ensued and it was agreed to eliminate the distance requirement from the motion and <br />have the wording state "a reasonable pick -up /drop -off distance at the advisement of the Public <br />Works Director /City Engineer." Committee Member Garretson seconded the motion as <br />amended. The motion carried unanimously (6 -0). <br />