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5B, Elections Contract
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5B, Elections Contract
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:40:51 AM
Creation date
10/24/2011 9:42:05 AM
October 24, 2011 City Council Meeting
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staff time, tI�e 2008 and 201Q elections averaged $20,000 or $10,000 annually. When <br />co�nnpared �o t�e Cour�ty propasal, the extra cast to the City is $S,S00 ar�xivaily. Sue and I - <br />conservatively estir�:ate that $5,500 anx�ually is about ti�e cost for staff time ta manage the <br />local electiQrrs_ Sue and I have r�at done al� the �nat�, but if the Deputy Cter�c sgends 20Q <br />ho�rs on electia�:s over twa years and all the other suppart staff {P�blic Works a�d <br />ClericaI) aiso spend 200 hours corr�bined e�ery two years on etections, then the cost to <br />the City for tt�e County daing the etec#ion is a"push" �nancially. It is nfl# �arc� to irnage <br />this arrto��t of staff time being spent on such acti�ities as conducting the actual prirnary <br />and general election, training, attending County rr�eetings, accuracy tests, nursing horr�e <br />voting, setting up and taking dowt� the faur voiing sites, e#c. Even with the Co�znty <br />conducting the City elections, City staff (and the City Council) will still be involved in <br />sorrte election act�vities but i� wilI be relatzveiy r�tinor cornpared to ihe amount of time <br />currently invested in the elect�ort process. <br />Or�e side beneft ta having ihe County da aur City elections is that the City will gain <br />signi�cant stQrage space by having the election equipment located at the County facility. <br />A.riother possible ber�eft to the City wit� this pro�osal is that the Deputy Clerk can naw <br />take all City Cauncil ;neeting miautes. This would save th� City about $9,OOQ per year <br />on our Timesavers' bills. Sue will need to watc� to see how this new assignment works <br />out, �ut we t�ink thaE Becky can do the �nirt�tes and her required Clerk duties if elections <br />are largely beir�g rernaved fro�n her waric schedule. Finally, ha�ing a"turn key" eiections <br />relationship wit� the County wiil reduce the stress factor at City Hatl araund election <br />time and we wili alsa not have to deal with all the issues related to election judges (i.e. <br />recruitment and training)_ <br />Recammen�ation <br />Overall, scaff thinks that the contz-act frorr► Ramsey Count_y re�resents a signi�ieant <br />benefit ta the City and we support the proposaI_ <br />flne reason #ha� Su� arid I have nat "dane all tl�e math" is that the tnain reason for the <br />recorr�rt�endation to contract with the Caunty for eiection services is due to potential new <br />Iaws t�tat wili rr�ake electians m�tch more dif�cult to adtninister {i.e_ voter photo ID <br />reguirement) and due to the recent state wide recounts where the actions of etection <br />judges (anc� therefore the actions of Cities} were placed �nder the rraicroscope because <br />�very vote in every precinct was important. Sta�f sir�n:ply belie�es that the City is best <br />served by lea�ing the election to the professionals; which in this case is Rarnsey County. <br />Ever� if this proposal was �ot cost neutrai, staff would stil� be r�commending accepting <br />the Cour�ty c�ntract proposal. <br />City Council Meeting <br />P=1AdminlCouncillAgendas & Packet inforrnationl2Q I 11i0-]0-i � Work SessianlPackei tnforrnation110-10-I ! 2012 Sudget <br />Update.doc � <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />
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