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"The model results show that the existing drainage system has the capacity to handle a <br />10-year storm event without surcharging. The results also showed that the existing <br />drainage system has the capacity to handle a 100-year storm event with minimal, <br />localized flooding at the low points, which would not cause flooding onto the adjacent <br />homes," <br />Basically, this indicates that the existing storm sewer system has the appropriate capacity <br />- to handle up to a 100-year storm with no property damage. This is the same design <br />criteria that would be used today in reviewing a private development. As was discussed <br />at the October Work Session, what is missing is an overland emergency outlet should an <br />inlet be plugged or a greater than 100-year storm occur. An overland emergency outlet <br />would be difficult if not impossible to create at this time. <br />I will be attending the southerly townhome Association meeting on November 22, 2011, <br />to discuss the findings in the final report. After meeting with the Association Board I <br />will report back to the City Council. , <br />Council Action Requested <br />At this time the only action requested from the City Council is to accept the final <br />Drainage Report for Townhouse Villages North and Townhouse Villages at Arden Hills <br />as prepared by Bolton and Menk and dated October 2011. <br />City Council Meeting <br />P:�Admin\Council�Agendas & Packet Information�2011\11-14-11 Regular�Packet <br />Information\TownhouseDrainageReport.doc <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />