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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG— SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 4 <br /> Finance and Administrative Services Director Iverson explained that staff considered what is <br /> currently being spent on outside printing and copying services and determined that having our <br /> own color copier could save approximately $12,000 per year if outside services were no longer <br /> used. <br /> Rick Oestreich, Canon representative, stated that Canon has been servicing the City for a number <br /> of years and they are comfortable with the proposed rate of 20,000 copies usage and the volume <br /> discount. <br /> Councilmember Tamble questioned if we would be able to upgrade the equipment before the <br /> end of the lease period of 60 months. <br /> Mr. Oestreich explained that the 60-month timeframe is used to determine the monthly cost. He <br /> added that the City can upgrade the equipment at any time, but they would have to calculate <br /> residual payments into a new lease. He added that a 60-month lease period is common for cities. <br /> He further explained that if the copier doesn't perform to our expectations at any time, we have <br /> the right to request a replacement. As far as lease versus purchase, he stated 85% of their <br /> customers prefer the lease arrangement. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if there was a cost comparison available between purchase versus lease. <br /> Finance and Administrative Services Director Iverson stated she had done the analysis but had <br /> not provided the information to the Council as it was comparable. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to authorize the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to <br /> enter into a lease agreement with Canon Business Solutions for the lease of a <br /> Canon Image Runner 9075 with professional puncher and ECopv Scanstation <br /> with Laserfiche direct connector for$968 per month for 60 months. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that if the new copier eliminates having to outsource projects, he <br /> believes it will pay for itself. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that he would support this, but would like to have seen more details <br /> and cost comparisons. <br /> The motion to carried unanimously(5-0). <br /> C. Planning Case 11-020—Mounds View High School CUP Amendment and Variance <br /> City Planner Beekman stated that Mounds View High School received a Conditional Use Permit <br /> Amendment to construct a baseball field in the southwest corner of the school property in 2008. <br /> In 2009, they added bleachers and a foul ball netting system to the field. At this time,they are <br /> proposing to construct a 19 square-foot digital score board. The scoreboard would be 24 feet in <br /> width, 8 feet in height, and mounted on 10-foot high poles making it 18 feet in height. The <br /> scoreboard would be located facing the field on the north side of the existing ball field <br />