Massage Therapist Establishment _ Annual Fee, Includes $150.00
<br />= mvestigation fee
<br />_..
<br />. .,---,,....- - - - _...._..._ . .. ., ..,_ .._.,._. _..- - ----- - - - - -...- - - - - _....
<br />5olicitors, Peddlers, Transient Please reference Section 350 $150.00 background
<br />Permit — For-Profit Organizations ;� 402 of the Municipal Code for investigation +$100.00 per
<br />; more information month permit fee
<br />_. _...._.. _.._. _.. _...- - - - -.._..- -- - - - g
<br />_ _....._
<br />Solicitors, Peddlers, Transient Please reference Section 350 No char e
<br />Permit—Non-Profit ' 3( 401 of the Municipal Code for
<br />Organizations � more information
<br />a,
<br />� �
<br />��
<br />a ; , �.�. � �., ,
<br />Initial Fee Per Si $50.00
<br />Permanent Si�s, Annual � Per Sign, 100 square feet or less $20.00
<br />Renewal � (maximum allowable size)
<br />_...._..........._....._....._....- -.._....._....._....._....._...._....._...._...._ ................................_......:....._....._....._.........._........................,_..._...._....._....._....._....._..........._....._...._...._...._...._.... ...._...._...._...._...._....._....._....._....._...................,...._.,._..,_...._...._....._...._....._...._....._...
<br />Tem or Si ns � $50.00
<br />Signs, Impoundment _ First Offense $25 00
<br />_.. _....._ _....._. _ _...._.... _....._
<br />_... _
<br />Si s, Im oundment � Second Offense $50 00
<br />---..__ --- ---... _ -----
<br />Signs, Im oundment h d Offense $100.00
<br />i � H ' ,. � �
<br />� a
<br />i �.
<br />I, � �� i � i � ��� � ` _ . . �� ��
<br />Rubbish Hauler = Annual $150.00
<br />Rec clin Hauler ' Annual $150.00
<br />Contractar License ' Annual $50.00
<br />_...._.. __...._...._...._...._...._...._ ........... ............_...._...._...._...._...._...._......................,.,... ....._...._...._...._...._..._...._,.._......_...,..............._...._...._....._...._....._....._....._..... ..._..._...._..._..._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._........_........__...._...._...._....
<br />Ivuscellaneous Permit Fee � For all other ermits not listed $38.00
<br />Staff Research $SO.00 per half hour
<br />- --------- — - ' ---_ _ _ _ _ --- -
<br />Penalties for Late Payment � Fa� ilure to pay any penalty 10% of license fee or $30.00,
<br />' imposed shall be grounds for the whichever is greater
<br />suspension or termination of any
<br />' license issued by the City
<br />� Tobacco Sales, Illegal ,' First Offense e� nn nn �.: ,..,,;.,,..
<br />' _....._ ._....._. $1��.�_....._.._._ _._...._...._..._...
<br />_. _ g _ ....._ �.. ...._... _... :
<br />Tobacco Sales, Ille al � Second Offense within 12 "�•��������r ���''���•��� ^-
<br />', months � ..,ae,,,.r,.,,i,�a,._;.�.,�
<br />_ . _ __ __ _._ __ _ _ ... _ : _ _ ._ .._. .. $S� UU_UUZ _. _..
<br />. _.__ _ .._. _...... _. _...._ ...,�.,
<br />Tobacco Sales, Illegal ; Third Offense within 12 D^,. ,�°':����� F,.. �;z
<br />� months }ea�
<br />($1,000.00 and 7 business dav
<br />suspension or 30 dav
<br />sus ension of the license
<br />Tobacco Sales, Ille�al i(Fourth Offense within 12. fRevocation of the license for a
<br />� months one ear eriod
<br />_Candidate Filinp Fee_ _...._..._ ...............__._. ';. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. __. $2.00
<br />. _. _. _....._...._.:.._.........._...._..._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._..._.,...._..._...._..._...._....
<br />Insufficient Funds/Retumed $30.00
<br />Check Fee
<br />_._
<br />_ Rental Registration Fee $40 00 er rental unrt
<br />_ -.. _... _.... _ _ .... . .... .... . . . .. . .. P_ .._ _ _ .
<br />____._..._
<br />Rental Registration Penalty Fee; ; $80.00 er rental unit
<br />Residential Contractor License $5.00
<br />Check
<br />Page 9 of 11
<br />